ttionya / vaultwarden-backup

Backup vaultwarden (formerly known as bitwarden_rs) SQLite3/PostgreSQL/MySQL/MariaDB database by rclone. (Docker)
MIT License
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Version mismatch between latest postgres docker release and pg_dump inside vaultwarden backup container #137

Closed OnkelDom closed 7 months ago

OnkelDom commented 7 months ago

The latest postgres container release are not compatible with the pg_dump verison inside vaultwarden-backup. Can you please update the package?


backup vaultwarden postgresql database
pg_dump: error: aborting because of server version mismatch
pg_dump: detail: server version: 16.1 (Debian 16.1-1.pgdg120+1); pg_dump version: 15.4
backup vaultwarden postgresql database failed
mail: Warning: variable superseded or obsoleted: smtp
mail: Warning: variable superseded or obsoleted: smtp-auth-user
mail: Warning: variable superseded or obsoleted: smtp-auth-password
mail: Obsoletion warning: please do not use *smtp*, instead assign a smtp:// URL to *mta*!
mail: Obsoletion warning: Use of old-style credentials, which will vanish in v15!
mail:   Please read the manual section "On URL syntax and credential lookup"
mail send was successfully
time="2023-12-14T09:05:01+01:00" level=error msg="error running command: exit status 1" iteration=9 job.command="bash /app/" job.position=0 job.schedule="5 * * * *"

Manual check:

vault:/data# pg_dump -h postgres -p 5432 -U vaultwarden -d vaultwarden
pg_dump: error: aborting because of server version mismatch
pg_dump: detail: server version: 16.1 (Debian 16.1-1.pgdg120+1); pg_dump version: 15.5
OnkelDom commented 7 months ago

Many thanks! I deploy the new version later and give feedback.

ttionya commented 7 months ago

Oh no, rclone is built on Alpine 3.18, but Alpine 3.18 does not provide the postgresql16-client package.

ttionya commented 7 months ago

@OnkelDom v1.19.6 now supports PostgreSQL 16.

OnkelDom commented 7 months ago

Many thanks for you quick response :) I testet the new release and it works like a charme.