ttlappalainen / NMEA0183

Library for handling NMEA0183 messages
69 stars 44 forks source link

Expose date/time methods and accepts lowercase hex in checksum. #17

Closed orca-hydromancer closed 1 year ago

orca-hydromancer commented 3 years ago

Export NMEA0183GPTimeToSeconds and NMEA0183GPSDateTimetotime_t methods. Enable lowercase hex in NMEA sentence checksum.

ttlappalainen commented 3 years ago

I see you added status field to parse command: bool NMEA0183ParseRMC_nc(const tNMEA0183Msg &NMEA0183Msg, double &GPSTime, char &Status,

Please never ever ever change compatibility of library. If you want to do that you have to add alias so that library compiles on old systems!