ttlappalainen / NMEA0183

Library for handling NMEA0183 messages
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Missing class name for breaktime in NMEA0183Messages.cpp and missing macro in NMEA0183Msgs.h #36

Open debbia opened 2 years ago

debbia commented 2 years ago

Hi Timo,

After updating NMEA0183 lib from 1.7.1 to 1.8.2 in Code/Platformio two compile errors for missing definitions popped up. Fixed by adding class name to breaktime() call on line 128 of NMEA0183Messages.cpp.
changed breakTime(defDate,TimeElements); to tNMEA0183Msg::breakTime(defDate,TimeElements);

second issue was due to missing Macro for NMEA0183IsNA(time_t v) in NMEA0183Msgs.h. Fixed by inserting macro definition: inline bool NMEA0183IsNA(time_t v) { return v==NMEA0183time_tNA; } at line 50.

Thanks for all your wonderful efforts!

Mike Kenny, nz9p

ttlappalainen commented 2 years ago

Thanks. This is now fixed.

I had to use specific NMEA0183IsTimeNA since in some environments time_t is int32_t and NMEA0183IsNA would cause redefinition error. I did not found other reliable solution.