ttlappalainen / NMEA2000

NMEA2000 library for Arduino
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Linking Error: undefined reference to `ParseN2kPGN129810( #395

Closed ronzeiller closed 3 months ago

ronzeiller commented 3 months ago

May be someone can help. Updated my N2kToNMEA0183 AIS library to the newest NMEA2000 Library. Everything is fine but get an error while Linking:

undefined reference toParseN2kPGN129810(tN2kMsg const&, unsigned char&, tN2kAISRepeat&, unsigned int&, unsigned char&, char const, unsigned int, char const, unsigned int, double&, double&, double&, double&, unsigned int&)'`

Very strange because all other ParseN2kPGN129038 ParseN2kPGN129794 ParseN2kPGN129039 ParseN2kPGN129809

are working, compiling and linking fine. (if I disable ParseN2kPGN129810)

Code is:

`void N2kToNMEATask::HandleAISClassBMessage24B(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg) {

uint8_t _MessageID; tN2kAISRepeat _Repeat; uint32_t _UserID, _MothershipID; char _Vendor[4]; size_t _VendorBufSize; char _Callsign[8]; size_t _CallsignBufSize; uint8_t _VesselType; double _Length; double _Beam; double _PosRefStbd; double _PosRefBow;

if ( ParseN2kPGN129810(N2kMsg, _MessageID, _Repeat, _UserID, _VesselType, _Vendor, _VendorBufSize, _Callsign, _CallsignBufSize, _Length, _Beam, _PosRefStbd, _PosRefBow, _MothershipID) ) {`

Error Message is: Linking .pio/build/esp32dev/firmware.elf undefined reference to `ParseN2kPGN129810(tN2kMsg const&, unsigned char&, tN2kAISRepeat&, unsigned int&, unsigned char&, char const, unsigned int, char const, unsigned int, double&, double&, double&, double&, unsigned int&)'

Same if I compile in Arduino: lib/NMEA0183-AIS/Examples/NMEA2000ToWiFiAsNMEA0183WithAIS/N2kDataToNMEA0183.cpp:495: undefined reference to `ParseN2kPGN129810(tN2kMsg const&, unsigned char&, tN2kAISRepeat&, unsigned int&, unsigned char&, char const, unsigned int, char const, unsigned int, double&, double&, double&, double&, unsigned int&)'

How can it be that all Parsers are found but not the 129810?

Thanks for any ideas

ttlappalainen commented 3 months ago

I published a fix. Please update library.

ronzeiller commented 3 months ago

Thank you Timo, everything is working fine now!