ttlock / Android_TTLock_Demo_Deprecated

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Is EU server availble ? #6

Open Netoperz opened 6 years ago

Netoperz commented 6 years ago

We have in code public class Config { //assigned during open platform registration(clientId,clientSecret) public static final String CLIENT_ID = "439063e312444f1f85050a52efcecd2e"; public static final String CLIENT_SECRET = "0ef1c49b70c02ae6314bde603d4e9b05"; //callback address public static final String REDIRECT_URI = "";

EU ha made some rules about privacy and data processing, how we can operate our own ttlock server for our system, or is there a EU server ?

seanchoq commented 6 years ago

@Netoperz - Have same issue as California passed a similar law. Not seeing where it prohibits processing outside of EU, but there are a few problems I can see.

Also a few more issues as I am reviewing it. See my thread about California's law change coming soon.

Netoperz commented 6 years ago

@seanchoq - exactly, I have got Access control system that I have designed, For hotels apartments and so on, and people were asking about Battery powered locks as exchange for standard locks. And we were thinking about integration with TT-Lock as there is huge amount of devices that could be used.

But In this model, TT-lock locks are Illegal in EU. Anyone who will use them in "business" model, in hotel, or apartment rental, will pay a huge penalty, also hotels and system integrator do not want any private court problems, because any hotel client can go to court and will win. There is hudge campaign in media, even 80 year old people are asking about RODO, and data protection act when You are giving them a card to sign, People are afraid about data frauds, and they are afraid that application that "calls to china" is sharing their data with PRC intelligence agency,

So everyone who has got TT-LOCK lock can be sure that China can get access to that lock/house apartment at any time.

So for business model integration we need some solution, that people could use "local" server for example.

And be able to use dedicated server, for example some hotel wants to have TT-Lock capable locks,n than the keys are generated and processed on the "server" in the hotels basement. An the user data are stored in known place, with possibility to give the database data "on demand" and so on.

So at least EU server would be good at start but still no real company will invest in access control system without being sure that it has full control on that system. I will not risk selling 5000 locks to a hotel network that is using my access control system, and i must give warranty for it, if the main function like generating offline pin codes is dependent on third party company outside the UE form communistic country...

And what if they turn off the server ? Or what if some politicians decide to block traffic to the china, or some politician from china will block the outgoing traffic fro china ? And what should i say to my customers ? yes you can register and your data re processed in PRC ?

SO this is not much Open solution.

I just need some clarification from TT-Lock dev's about those problems. And if this is not a case, please give us explanation this is freaking important thing in this days, especially if someone is planning on business investments for next years.

Is tere a possible NDA/cooperation possibility to obtaint the code that could act as local server without "calling to other servers" ?

Best regards.

P.S. @seanchoq - we could speak about other solutions that could solve our problems with law, and the rules that need to be followed in order to commercially use electronic access control systems "TT-Lock like, but open, and possibly dedicated"

seanchoq commented 6 years ago

@Netoperz - That would be lovely, as I have spent many hours chatting with a Huifan Tech representing TTLock's products, trying to get some server side code, and/or the lock firmware so we can create Local API. They are unable/unwilling to release. But I can understand their position.

To implement a local solution to comply with GDPR requires not only the server side API and database, but firmware as well. We would have to push that from our own servers.

All logic and BLE is performed on one chip. I cannot reference it nor find anything with similar structure, so I don't know how to flash or dump aside through TTLock. That is smart. Aside from a reset attack, or blueborn, it's secure. Without server side code and firmware, TTLock appears unfeasible unless they produce a dedicated backends in EU, and now CA, granting company admins the ability to comply with laws. I don't know of any lock company that would hand over their firmware and backend. Thinking about buying their shells and developing end to end.

TTLock is interesting software. There is a lot going on. I like the seamless BLE pairing, the security and configurable features and firmware updates. If there is another platform that has similar features, like BLE pairing, I can secure it so long as wee get firmware too. That's my specialty.

Here is a couple of articles on TTLock: (Note the authors)

Netoperz commented 6 years ago

@seanchoq TT-Lock is not as secure as you think, and the only cause of my interest in This particular hardware/software is a wide range of devices around.

For private use it's fine, i do not believe that some "bad PRC agent will come in to my house" why he would like to :) i? I'm sure they have much more important things to do. Possible listening of what i'm saying and looking on my local network is also possible, as the locks firmware is closed, and if used with gateway it is online, there could be anything going on there, But as I said, who the hell would have interest in listening how my dog burks. GDPR is their problem than , so it does not bother me. If someone is not bothereing about it, can buy it and use it :)

But making "their" products a part of the business model / service as You already know is a really bad idea (GDPR and other stuff that will come soon)

They could encapsulate the logic in a SDK, and secure the bundle with access to the API, it is not a problem, and from technical point of view it can be done in a few secure ways. The only reason why they do not want to share it is that they want to control the access to te locks in their hands. Second thing is that there is not much cryptography when you want to encapsulate a few types of PINcode, and ACL's in 8 digit pin. So they afraid that it will make the locks "to much open" :D all the locks share the same cryptography. Braking one is braking all. You will never get access to the server side code, in "legal" way. Even if we have got the "non official access" than we are not burglers but businessman's (sometimes it is the same but in our case in our business profile it is not ;) ) So using it in business model is no go solution, because it may be changed and les prone to disassembling.

So I may say one thing, i do have alternate solution, with bluetooth/ble bairing, wifi, LORA /lan that can be operated from cloud (US/EU servers availble) or can be used as standalone solution/dedicated that can be run local with possible gateway to the second stage cloud over kind of VPN on level 2 IP layer (so without using the internet) endpoints are secured servers and they only serve the cloud interface.

Very secure, as no one has access to the transmissions :) find me at telegram.

seanchoq commented 6 years ago

Ok, understood. Sean Choquette on telegram. Perhaps I'm not looking well.

seanchoq commented 6 years ago

I would like to transform this into a philosophic discussion. At this time there is a mistrust with Chinese manufacturers "trading" designs developed in foreign markets. many countries are imposing sanctions against exports from them. these sanctions are in the form of tariffs and laws regarding shipping and data delivery.

In history, the last global trade trade protectionism started WWII. China believes we are afraid of the increased pace of technological competition. That we are afraid of ourselves.

Would you say that it is best to accept the competition, knowing that their perception of free world trade involves unfair means? Should we practice the same unfair practices? Or, should we continue with sanctions against China, attempting to reclaim losses from these practices?

Netoperz commented 5 years ago

It's not mistrust to china, or polqnd, russia USA, mars or Jupiter, elephants, slugs, ants , it's the people problem.

If someone wants to build app, rarely it is for personal use, if You are putting time end effort it's most likely business related.

I'm not bothered that "some green people" will come in to my house because they can ! Why the hack they would like to ? :)

The core problem shows up when it comes to the business.

I cannot guarantee safety of the data and access control for possible clients using TTlock capable locks. It's not mistrust to the company or serwers ichina or not in china. It's even not china related, if the company was german the problem would be the same, it's always "someones" servers not mine !

So I cannot assure my client that system is fully secure, that no one can acess the lock. because it is out of my control. I cannot be sure, that tt-lock server will still be there next 20 years. If I sell lock system for client i cannot say that serwers will work for ever, i know that they may, but still i cannot assure the client in the contract, because it's not mine server. One military conflict can cause blocking communication to the servers in china, and that's all, no remote functionality, even no possibility to generate the pin. If the lock is in place where you do not have internet acess, there is now ay to use it ! You must have internet from your phone/tablet to generate the pincode remotely in china. So all TT-lock locks aree useless, people forget about that there are thousands of possible situations when acess to the "backend server" can be impossible.

Just google :

Those are just a few situations. SO if i'm building the system for any type of business use, hotels, apartments, i must have full control over the communication, over the core infrastructure. I must have possibility to debug, and check the security risks, to run security tests and so on. Because when client will buy my system I cannot say "..fine but i do not own the infrastructure that communicates with those locks, and i do not know if it is safe" please call china and please ask...

No one will buy my system, and if there will be some kind of attack how can i respond ? and for sure i will pay a lots of money as penalty. So TT-lock (and others) are not for real business.

They are cheap , and that is all. Either you want secure solution that you can have full control, or you want cheap.

I would sold thousands of those locks with profit both for me and tt-lock and manufacturers that use tt-lock solution, but this needs framework that can be controlled, and server side software.

The problem is that if they will give server side code, no one would buy their services, because in next two days after release, 100 chines would start their own services.

So discussion here is closed in my opinion, because giving us the control will never happens. period.

sad, but true. Further discussion here makes no sense till TT-lock decides to provide some kind of standalone solution.

Till that time just do what i have done, we have designed our own electronics, with our own firmware that talks to ur own servers that we have full control. It costs, yes, but there is no other way to be sure that services you offer will be available as long as you want.

I'm still interested to add tt-lock locks to our system, but only if we can controll the whole infrastructure.

Best regards to all looking for an answer. Hope this helps if you have some doubts. Sorry for my English, it's not my native language :)

Netoperz commented 5 years ago

And to answer Your last question, I'm not interested in politics in any way. I love piece. I would like to have the "startrek" thinking in all heads of all people, for piece and gathering knowledge. For me there is no difference in skin color, language, religion (as long as some idiot wants to blow up him self and hurt other people in the crowded place , those types of thinking i do not tolerate, and I think that most of people will think same way, and assume that they are idiots that should be removed from society, besides that i tolerate everything, so please do tot mix technical issues with political point of view/ sanctions. My concern is just for quality and safety of service nothing more.)

SO let's stick to the core problem, TTlock is private company (let's say if that's possible in china) , The software they provide as forntend backend and mobile are their way of making money. So in their business model their backend is what brings their clients to buy "ttlock" licence.

And i'm not expecting them to give the backend to anyone even as a framework. They provide mobile code here because this needs to be provided in order to "brand" OEM products. That's all.

And they can do that, because it's their product and they have right to do that. :) It would be nice to have a choice if someone wants to use own backend. If we could develope our own backend, and just point the mobile or gateway to that server we could use tt-locks as business devices.

In my opinion it would only make the market bigger. Private users would use ttlock backend, and business clients that want to care about safety, would use lock that are tt-lock capable, so there always would be lock sold, and there would be more profit to the tt-lock. but what can I do ? i can only show some potential, and someone in the company should take a look at this problem.

Github is not about religion, politics, sanctions, and other idiotic things, we are here for opensource and technology and making things better, so please stick to that. Be professional and inteligent :)

THERE IS ONE SOLUTION THAT WE SHOULD LOOK IN TO. The locks do have hardware chips, Those mcu's are using tt-lock firmware, so we should take the lock apart, look closely to every peripherial chipset , and build our own opensource firmware, that could be flashed to the ttlock locks, and than we could use that to talk to our own open backends.

So let's say, we would use "tt-lock lock as shell" that could be done without decompiling firmware or reverse engineering, just by writing the clean opensource firmware from scratch.

So if anyone is interested feel free to contact me, we can work together on that project. I think we could gather a huge community around that open project. Nd the solution would be legal in every country because we do not breach any proprietary code, only downside would be loosing warranty, witch is the price i can pay :)

seanchoq commented 5 years ago

And to answer Your last question, I'm not interested in politics in any way. I love piece. I would like to have the "startrek" thinking in all heads of all people, for piece and gathering knowledge. For me there is no difference in skin color, language, religion (as long as some idiot wants to blow up him self and hurt other people in the crowded place , those types of thinking i do not tolerate, and I think that most of people will think same way, and assume that they are idiots that should be removed from society, besides that i tolerate everything, so please do tot mix technical issues with political point of view/ sanctions. My concern is just for quality and safety of service nothing more.)

SO let's stick to the core problem, TTlock is private company (let's say if that's possible in china) , The software they provide as forntend backend and mobile are their way of making money. So in their business model their backend is what brings their clients to buy "ttlock" licence.

And i'm not expecting them to give the backend to anyone even as a framework. They provide mobile code here because this needs to be provided in order to "brand" OEM products. That's all.

And they can do that, because it's their product and they have right to do that. :) It would be nice to have a choice if someone wants to use own backend. If we could develope our own backend, and just point the mobile or gateway to that server we could use tt-locks as business devices.

In my opinion it would only make the market bigger. Private users would use ttlock backend, and business clients that want to care about safety, would use lock that are tt-lock capable, so there always would be lock sold, and there would be more profit to the tt-lock. but what can I do ? i can only show some potential, and someone in the company should take a look at this problem.

Github is not about religion, politics, sanctions, and other idiotic things, we are here for opensource and technology and making things better, so please stick to that. Be professional and inteligent :)

THERE IS ONE SOLUTION THAT WE SHOULD LOOK IN TO. The locks do have hardware chips, Those mcu's are using tt-lock firmware, so we should take the lock apart, look closely to every peripherial chipset , and build our own opensource firmware, that could be flashed to the ttlock locks, and than we could use that to talk to our own open backends.

So let's say, we would use "tt-lock lock as shell" that could be done without decompiling firmware or reverse engineering, just by writing the clean opensource firmware from scratch.

So if anyone is interested feel free to contact me, we can work together on that project. I think we could gather a huge community around that open project. Nd the solution would be legal in every country because we do not breach any proprietary code, only downside would be loosing warranty, witch is the price i can pay :)

Amen to no interest in politics brother. You have an impressive Git. think you can post a back end for this? Or we could collaborate ;)

theallseingeye commented 5 years ago

@Netoperz @seanchoq

Hey how are you two going with this project? I just started digging into this, but amongst all the advertising about no internet required I'm seeing the dependency that to even just initialise the lock we need to hit their API server

Is this correct? To even just add the lock we are heavily dependent on their server being online. I was under the assumption we could continue to use the locks through a bluetooth only connection.

Furthermore how are you two progressing with the app side of the project? Did you need to implement login details? Could we potentially collaborate on this

Netoperz commented 5 years ago

@theallseingeye You are correct, the "no internet required" refers that the lock does not have to have the internet (LOL) , but as You see in the source code, the phone needs :) so without their server you cannot do anything. Remote use you give the access also must communicate with server in china, than it gets what it needs to get and can open the lock.

Sure we can cooperate, but in my opinion there is only one way to solve this, and it isn't easy one.

  1. I have manufacturers that will give us what we need, wireless lock with proper backend framework , but they need 10 000 pieces order. SO I assume for preproduction tests it's not possible to go this way.

  2. We can check if all the locks have got the same hardware MCU, and build up our own firmware (here i could help because i do have backend/forntend (server side) and firmware (arduino based, and also similar version build in IDF (ESP32)) This is not the target hardware we want, but as the code is written in C it's quite easy to port it wherever we want.

  3. We should write to tt-lock and ask if they could build a kind of backend framework package for those who need standalone solution (we could sign NDA (with china it is NDNCA)

I cannot understand why the TT-Lock does not see that they could gain milion dollar profit with that. If the backend framework would be availble, the locks could be used as Business product in hotells, or any commercial project that needs integration with 3-rd party Hotel management systems.

They have APP, they have some backend panel, but this is no use for hotels where people need real time connection with software they have. And big clients will not buy solution that they can not have in their basement on their own servers and so on....

  1. There is another approach, for example using zeegbee like locks over gateway with own backend . But this is not a solution for tt-lock hardware , just a different way of solving this problem.
theallseingeye commented 5 years ago

I cannot understand why the TT-Lock does not see that they could gain milion dollar profit with that. If the backend framework would be availble, the locks could be used as Business product in hotells, or any commercial project that needs integration with 3-rd party Hotel management systems.

Yes this is our current biggest issue.

Could you confirm if initialising the locks and generating and unlocking passcodes still require connecting to their server? Seems like quite a significant issue, especially with a lot of the sellers you find online claiming "no internet required"

My biggest issue is mostly, if their server goes offline do all our locks now become obsolete junk?

coder1995 commented 5 years ago

I was soo excited about these locks but, yeah, it all depends on their server. It is impossible to build a business on top of TT Lock as it is now. Do you guys know any smart lock that simply opens and closes based on BLE without any kind of cloud involved and registration?

Calvin69 commented 4 years ago

Hello @Netoperz @seanchoq @theallseingeye ,

I'm relatively new to GitHub or to the world of IoT particularly. I didn't thought that TTLock would pose as a threat in terms of security and in the long run before reading this. But I did thought of flashing it instead of going through their server and that's how I ended up here.

How is the project going now guys? Honestly, I would love to collaborate and help but as you already know, I don't really have that much experience yet. And sorry for the bad English btw. It's not my native language.

Perhaps any lock that would work as @coder1995 stated? or better ones than what TTLock could provide.

Fusseldieb commented 4 years ago

@Netoperz I would love to collaborate on the project! I have currently 5 TTLock devices and I don't quite like the chinese Gateway that's hooked up to my network. It's not even because it might be watching my network (Wouldn't give them much, almost every traffic is now encrypted with HTTPS), but the impossibility to use the lock LOCALLY.

No internet = No unlocking is just dumb.

I want to unlock my doors inside my local network, not having to rely on some stupid server which could go offline at anytime.

I'm willing to take the device(s) apart. I have several devices here to flash and/or analyse how it works, so if you are into it, let's go!

I can almost bet that it has some STM32 processor inside, which probably lacks documentation on how to flash it.

I was also thinking that we don't even need to build a firmware for it from scratch! Maybe just acting as the Bluetooth gateway is sufficient, since the lock itself doesn't have WiFi, it just listens to the right Bluetooth commands (with a secret key) and then opens.

RaspberryPi 3 (has Bluetooth) as Gateway? Sweet!

Netoperz commented 4 years ago

Hello, i have developed full system with changeable modules (zwave / ble /bluetooth/ NB-IOT + bluetooth / NB-IOT) that gives local operation also with SDk /API I run many hotels and apartments for rent on it. It is production ready solution with manufacturing and all certificates and manufacturing assures ISO 9001 quality cert. With CE ROCHS and US / Australia product certifications. Including possibility to program own security keys on the lock modules etc , mobile app for both Android and iOS and web based mobile app for commercial use . I'm no longer interested in ttlock modification because we have much better own solution now.

pon., 20 lip 2020, 14:35 użytkownik Valentino Stillhardt <> napisał:

@Netoperz I would love to collaborate on the project! I have currently 5 TTLock devices and I don't quite like the chinese Gateway that's hooked up to my network. It's not even because it might be watching my network (Wouldn't give them much, almost every traffic is now encrypted with HTTPS), but the impossibility to use the lock LOCALLY.

No internet = No unlocking is just dumb.

I want to unlock my doors inside my local network, not having to rely on some stupid server which could go offline at anytime.

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Netoperz commented 4 years ago

Hello, i have developed full system with changeable modules (zwave / ble /bluetooth/ NB-IOT + bluetooth / NB-IOT) that gives local operation also with SDk /API I run many hotels and apartments for rent on it. It is production ready solution with manufacturing and all certificates and manufacturing assures ISO 9001 quality cert. With CE ROCHS and US / Australia product certifications. Including possibility to program own security keys on the lock modules etc , mobile app for both Android and iOS and web based mobile app for commercial use . I'm no longer interested in ttlock modification because we have much better own solution now.

Netoperz commented 4 years ago

We also have gateways if needed for cloud integration in live connection also possible to hit on own server ( for example Ubuntu Linux or windows) doker images and everything. 3 years of hard work .

Fusseldieb commented 4 years ago

I'm no longer interested in ttlock modification because we have much better own solution now.

Thats nice to hear! Hope your project or even company goes far!

But it's about us as a whole community, we have TTLocks and we don't want to buy new locks, so I'm still searching for a way!

I have heard that TTLock provides us with a Bluetooth SDK. It's interesing to know, but does it need to server or not? It not, maybe we can take that as a starting point to build a Raspberry Pi gateway. Would be cool!

Netoperz commented 4 years ago

It will s only for communication cation but their account is needed. For private use it is ok but for commercial there is way to much complications to use ttlock.

pon., 20 lip 2020, 17:37 użytkownik Valentino Stillhardt <> napisał:

I'm no longer interested in ttlock modification because we have much better own solution now.

Thats nice to hear! Hope your project or even company goes far!

But it's about us as a whole community, we have TTLocks and we don't want to buy new locks, so I'm still searching for a way!

I have heard that TTLock provides us with a Bluetooth SDK. It's interesing to know, but does is need to server or not? It not, maybe we can take that as a starting point to build a Raspberry Pi gateway. Would be cool!

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ronluna commented 4 years ago

@Netoperz do you mind sharing how to acquire your solutions?

seanchoq commented 4 years ago

Hi Netoperz!

Congratulations on cracking TTLock! That is awesome! I've been following you for a while hoping you would.

I was under the impression that the locks had to be flashed, or someone would need to crack TTLock's encryption.

Then I noticed there was not a whole lot of encryption going on. Just some hashes to operate the lock. But still. That is an achievement!

Let's talk. If we work together, we can make you rich!... as soon as hospritality industry opens back up.

Best regards,

Sean Choquette Network and API Engineer Core Software Integrated

-------- Original message -------- From: Ron Luna Date: 7/25/20 5:59 AM (GMT-08:00) To: ttlock/Android_TTLock_Demo Cc: Seanchoq, Mention Subject: Re: [ttlock/Android_TTLock_Demo] Is EU server availble ? (#6)

@Netoperz do you mind sharing how to acquired your solutions?

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Fusseldieb commented 4 years ago

If we work together, we can make you rich!...

I've heard that so so many times before....

seanchoq commented 4 years ago

So, what do you want for your solution?

Best regards,

Sean Choquette Network Engineer Micronet

-------- Original message -------- From: Valentino Stillhardt Date: 7/30/20 7:28 AM (GMT-08:00) To: ttlock/Android_TTLock_Demo Cc: Seanchoq, Mention Subject: Re: [ttlock/Android_TTLock_Demo] Is EU server availble ? (#6)

If we work together, we can make you rich!...

I've heard that so so many times before....

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seanchoq commented 4 years ago

Email me your terms.

[Sean at micronetcomputer dot net]

From: Valentino Stillhardt Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2020 7:28 AM To: ttlock/Android_TTLock_Demo Cc: Seanchoq; Mention Subject: Re: [ttlock/Android_TTLock_Demo] Is EU server availble ? (#6)

If we work together, we can make you rich!...

I've heard that so so many times before....

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burner- commented 3 years ago

have anyone managed to reverse engineer that BT protocol? I like to make own mqtt-ttlock gateway with esp32. That official ttlock gatway is just really slow and also not GDPR compliant.

Netoperz commented 3 years ago

We have own design Poznań zbożowa 3

pt., 25 gru 2020, 00:49 użytkownik burner- napisał:

have anyone managed to reverse engineer that BT protocol? I like to make own mqtt-ttlock gateway with esp32. That official ttlock gatway is just really slow and also not GDPR compliant.

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burner- commented 3 years ago

We have own design Poznań zbożowa 3 pt., 25 gru 2020, 00:49 użytkownik burner- napisał:

I look your git repository but I did not find ttlock relative project. Have you published it?

S3basuchian commented 3 years ago

We have own design Poznań zbożowa 3 pt., 25 gru 2020, 00:49 użytkownik burner- napisał:

I look your git repository but I did not find ttlock relative project. Have you published it?

Have you found it already? I'm also interested

Fusseldieb commented 3 years ago

have anyone managed to reverse engineer that BT protocol? I like to make own mqtt-ttlock gateway with esp32. That official ttlock gatway is just really slow and also not GDPR compliant.

Yes! Take look at

An ESP32 port is in the works by the maintainer and already partially working, see: