ttlock / iOS_SDK_Demo

TTLock is a global provider of solutions for smart locks. We provide PCBA and softwares for lock manufactures and end users. We provide open API/SDK for developers. With these APIs/SDKs, you can develop your own applications to manage smart locks. The SDK here is for mobile app to communicate with locks via bluetooth.
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Need to downgrade gateway firmware version. #32

Closed parvezkhanpsspl closed 3 months ago

parvezkhanpsspl commented 4 months ago

We are implementing upgrade gateway firmware version functionality. We are using below SDK method from TTLockDFU library.

TTGatewayDFU.shareInstance().start(with: .byNet, clientId: "clientId", accessToken: "accessToken", gatewayId: "gatewayId", gatewayMac: "gatewayMac") { status, progress in
            if(status == .success) {
                print("Gateway firmware update success.")
        } fail: { status, error in

We have all the gateways available with latest firmware version. We want to downgrade the firmware version of lock to test this feature.

Please find the below test account and gateway details:

Test Account: Admin@123

Gateway Details: Name: G2 -1 Gateway Id: 530564 Gateway Mac: "D4:B4:75:0B:01:8D"

Name: G2-2 Gateway Id: 531598 Gateway Mac: "D5:41:D5:DD:6F:D5"

Name: G3-4 Gateway Id: 519802 Gateway Mac: "16:A0:8C:33:7F:33"

Please downgrade firmware versions for all above 3 gateways.

JuannyiOS commented 4 months ago

Unlimited upgrades have been configured. Please add the gateway again before each upgrade.

pathanparvezkhan commented 4 months ago

Unlimited upgrades have been configured. Please add the gateway again before each upgrade.

Thank you for your support.

I have updated firmware versions for all those gateways while testing update firmware version functionality. As you said you have configured unlimited upgrades, I have tried adding those gateways in test account but it is not downgraded and showing with same updated version.

Can you provide us steps to downgrade again?

JuannyiOS commented 4 months ago

we cannot downgrade the gateway. Unlimited upgrades are just for you to test upgrades.

parvezkhanpsspl commented 4 months ago

Unlimited upgrades have been configured. Please add the gateway again before each upgrade.

As you have configured unlimited upgrades, I have tried upgrading G2 gateway from your provided iOS demo app to verify if it is working or not. But getting an error "UpgradeErrorNONeedUpgrade". I have attached below code debugging screen shots. Please find below screenshots.

Screenshot 2024-05-08 at 11 47 08 AM

Screenshot 2024-05-08 at 12 00 50 PM

parvezkhanpsspl commented 4 months ago

Unlimited upgrades have been configured. Please add the gateway again before each upgrade.

As you have configured unlimited upgrades, I have tried upgrading G2 gateway from your provided iOS demo app to verify if it is working or not. But getting an error "UpgradeErrorNONeedUpgrade". I have attached below code debugging screen shots. Please find below screenshots.

Screenshot 2024-05-08 at 11 47 08 AM

Screenshot 2024-05-08 at 12 00 50 PM

Any update on above issue?

ttlock commented 3 months ago

You need to use the test account you provided and cannot use any other account. Test Account: Admin@123

parvezkhanpsspl commented 3 months ago

You need to use the test account you provided and cannot use any other account. Test Account: Admin@123

Yes I have tried with same account but still facing issue while upgrading gateway. I have attached below code debugging screen shots. Please find below screenshots.

GatewayId: 531600 GatewayMAC: F5:D1:D5:BC:4D:05

Screenshot 2024-05-16 at 6 22 26 PM

Screenshot 2024-05-16 at 6 22 35 PM

ttlock commented 3 months ago

The gateway you previously provided did not have “F5:D1:D5:BC:4D:05” please use below Gateway Details: Name: G2 -1 Gateway Id: 530564 Gateway Mac: "D4:B4:75:0B:01:8D"

Name: G2-2 Gateway Id: 531598 Gateway Mac: "D5:41:D5:DD:6F:D5"

Name: G3-4 Gateway Id: 519802 Gateway Mac: "16:A0:8C:33:7F:33"