Open rfabbri opened 6 years ago
I will put my live progress on my webpage.
I started hacking and updated the hack log at:
I am fixing aux/ prv dependencies first. Will send a pull request soon. Then maybe also fix PRV itsef.
When I try to install AA+PRV, I get these errors. Not sure if these are the latest instructions:
line 2: E121: Undefined variable: g:mapleader E15: Invalid expression: [g:mapleader, g:maplocalleader] line 4: E121: Undefined variable: g:prvset E116: Invalid arguments for function has_key(g:prvset.leaders, a:plug) E15: Invalid expression: has_key(g:prvset.leaders, a:plug) Error detected while processing function PRVLeaderHelper[4]..PRVRestoreLeader: line 1: E716: Key not present in Dictionary: aa E15: Invalid expression: g:prv.leaders[a:plug] Error detected while processing function21_SetKeybindings:
line 65:
E227: mapping already exists for \c
Error detected while processing function PRVLeaderHelper[2]..PRVDeclareLeader:
line 2:
E121: Undefined variable: g:mapleader
E15: Invalid expression: [g:mapleader, g:maplocalleader]
line 4:
E121: Undefined variable: g:prvset
E116: Invalid arguments for function has_key(g:prvset.leaders, a:plug)
E15: Invalid expression: has_key(g:prvset.leaders, a:plug)
Error detected while processing function PRVLeaderHelper[4]..PRVRestoreLeader:
line 1:
E716: Key not present in Dictionary: aa
E15: Invalid expression: g:prv.leaders[a:plug]
Ao tentar carregar o prv, tambem obtenho algo do tipo:
Error detected while processing function PRVInit[5]..PRVDeclareLeader: line 2: E121: Undefined variable: g:mapleader E15: Invalid expression: [g:mapleader, g:maplocalleader] Error detected while processing function PRVInit[6]..PRVMkMappings: line 281: E121: Undefined variable: g:mapleader E15: Invalid expression: g:mapleader line 282: E716: Key not present in Dictionary: prv[2] E15: Invalid expression: g:prvset.leaders.prv[2] line 312: E121: Undefined variable: l:foo E15: Invalid expression: l:foo Error detected while processing function PRVInit[7]..PRVRestoreLeader: line 1: E716: Key not present in Dictionary: prv E15: Invalid expression: g:prv.leaders[a:plug]