ttnmapper / ttnmapper-android-v3

The 3rd rewrite of the Android mapping app
GNU General Public License v3.0
8 stars 8 forks source link

Old GPS locations result in wrong coverage #8

Closed bluepup closed 5 years ago

bluepup commented 5 years ago

Sometimes I get coverage in the wrong location. The app marks the wrong spot as location, but the location marked is the last location where the mapping was stopped the last day or so. Steps to reproduce (not sure if it always works):

Sometimes when I do that I get the warning that my GPS location is too old, intermitting with message "finding fix" or others. It seems that there are two or more GPS "processes running in the background if you start the app "again".

jpmeijers commented 5 years ago

There is a if-condition in the code that should check if the latest gps location is not too old. Along with this there is also one that should check if the fix accuracy is high enough. These two checks were disabled during development making testing of the app indoors easier. They were never enabled again for the production build.

In the latest release these two checks were enabled again, so this issue should be fixed now.