ttscoff / Slogger

Social logging script for Day One
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fitbit request #133

Open nickwild99 opened 11 years ago

nickwild99 commented 11 years ago


In addition to the summaries I would like to pull the list of foods eaten. I have found this array, but do not have the skills to iterate it and just output the relevant fields. Can anyone help? food=client.foods_on_date(timestring)

Thanks Nick

drallgood commented 11 years ago

I'll look into it when I have time. Might take a couple of days, though.

drallgood commented 10 years ago

Sorry, I haven't had time to look into it yet. It's on my task list, so I'll definitely come back to it :)

drallgood commented 10 years ago

@nickwild99 Any suggestions on the format? Which data should be logged in which way?

scrooks commented 10 years ago

I'd be fine with a second level bulleted list.

  • Total Calories: 1200 calories
  • Lunch: 400 calories
    • Burger
    • Fries
  • Dinner: 800 calories
    • Lasagna
    • Salad

I have already modified the format slightly on my personal copy so it looks like this:

Fitbit - Summary for 2013-08-01

  • Steps: 4759
  • Floors: 0
  • Distance: 2.11 miles
  • Activity Points: 473
  • Weight: 239 pounds
  • BMI: 35.28
  • Time In Bed: 6:17
  • Time Asleep: 6:01


Now that I look at it here, I think I'd add in a small bit of logic to not write out Floors if the total is 0. My Flex doesn't record that.

scrooks commented 10 years ago

Do you have access to Activity entries? That would be nice to see also. :-)

drallgood commented 10 years ago

Sure... But let's create a new task for that and tackle it another time :)

How about that:

Fitbit - Summary for 2013-08-03

Steps: 551 Floors: 0 Distance: 0.43 kilometers Activity Points: 79 Foods eaten:

activities #tracking #health

scrooks commented 10 years ago

Can you include total calories (so we don't have to add in our head), perhaps on the Foods eaten line? Something like "Foods eaten, 1,871 calories:"?

drallgood commented 10 years ago


Fitbit - Summary for 2013-08-04

Steps: 166 Floors: 0 Distance: 0.13 kilometers Activity Points: 19 Foods eaten: 752 calories

activities #tracking #health

drallgood commented 10 years ago

Implemented. Will be released with the next Slogger release.