ttscoff / nv

MultiMarkdown version of Notational Velocity with Markdown editing features and preview
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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nvalt shows only a subset of notational velocity notes #575

Open aparrish opened 4 years ago

aparrish commented 4 years ago

I downloaded and launched nvALT today and it only showed about half the notes that I can see in vanilla Notational Velocity. I have several hundred notes in Notational Velocity and nvALT shows only a few hundred. The distinguishing characteristic of the notes that nvALT shows is that they're old—I don't see any notes that I created after about January of last year.

Looking in my ~/Library/Application Support/Notational Data, I can see that Interim Note-Changes is present even after I quit regular Notational Velocity (and is a little over twice as big as Notes & Settings). When I run ls -l, I see numerous files with names like .01716643-603407728-1, most of which are about the same size or larger than Notes & Settings. I tried converting my database to plaintext files (using these instructions), thinking that would smooth things over, but got error messages similar to those in this thread.

My theory—based on what little I know about how Notational Velocity's database system works—is that for some reason Notational Velocity isn't syncing note updates from Interim Note-Changes on exit, and hasn't been since last year. So nvALT is only seeing those notes that actually made it into Notes & Settings, while vanilla Notational Velocity is able to reconstruct all of my notes by reading the Interim Note-Changes file on load.

Any tips or workarounds for getting this to work? Or other ways of exporting notes from vanilla Notational Velocity to nvALT? (I was able to export everything as plain text files using Note > Export, but I'd prefer to keep e.g. tags and formatting when moving over.)

I'm running macOS Mojave (10.14.6). (And now that I'm thinking about it, January of last year might have been when I upgraded to Mojave...)

ofshellohicy commented 4 years ago

I have same issue with you, my note on 2020, but only see 2019 notes