ttskch / select2-bootstrap4-theme

Select2 v4 theme for Bootstrap4
MIT License
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Bootstrap 5 theme incoming any time soon? #66

Open martinbarilik opened 3 years ago

martinbarilik commented 3 years ago

Hi there, i am rewriting the an old web app. I want it to be the latest at everyting, today i changed bootstrap 4 to bootstrap 5 and using select, some theme is messy.

Can we expect bootstrap 5 theme any time soon ?

tagliala commented 3 years ago


You can find a Bootstrap 5 compatible theme here:

It is based on my work done on #67, so it requires Select2 4.1

(and don't upgrade jQuery to 3.6.0, as per select2/select2#5993)



martinbarilik commented 3 years ago

Even tho it is compatible with BS5, it does not support bootstrap's form-control-sm classes ( small selectboxes ). More here.

tagliala commented 3 years ago

it does not support bootstrap's form-control-sm classes ( small selectboxes ).

Yes, this theme does not support small controls neither in BS4. Ref: #40

tagliala commented 3 years ago

@martinbarilik just saw this in the Select2 repo:

Demo doesn't work, but it looks like a complete theme with support for small and large classes

martinbarilik commented 3 years ago

Holy Molly, it's recent. Thanks, last i checked it wasn't any ( 2 weeks ago ).

MarcPinnell commented 2 years ago

@tagliala - Were you able to make that BS5 theme work for the small dropdown size?

tagliala commented 2 years ago

@MarcPinnell please take a look at

MarcPinnell commented 2 years ago

I was never able to get that working. I did find a BS4 theme that I managed to get working yesterday. Not ideal, but it works.