ttskch / select2-bootstrap4-theme

Select2 v4 theme for Bootstrap4
MIT License
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Fix form-control layout #9

Closed RangelReale closed 5 years ago

RangelReale commented 5 years ago

The input field does not use the full size of the fieldset, with this change it fits the column fully. Also the select2 option "width" must be set to "style", otherwise the calculation makes it go beyond the fieldset.

ttskch commented 5 years ago

@RangelReale So sorry for my late response 🙇And sorry but I couldn't reproduce the problem 🤔Could you please Pull-Request with adding reproducer html to this file? 🙏

ttskch commented 5 years ago

@RangelReale Sorry, now I understood your idea! LGTM! Thanks a lot for your contribution 🙌