ttsukagoshi / csv2gsheets

CLI tool to convert local CSV files into Google Sheets files in a designated Google Drive folder. Users can choose whether to update an existing Sheets file, or create a new one.
MIT License
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Show a human-friendly message for the existing settings on `convert` #196

Closed ttsukagoshi closed 4 days ago

ttsukagoshi commented 4 days ago

The list of settings designated in the local c2g.config.json file is listed in the user's terminal upon executing c2g convert:

Converting local CSV to Google Sheet with the following settings:
  sourceDir: /Users/path/to/the/target_directory
  targetDriveFolderId: my-drive-folder-id
  targetIsSharedDrive: false
  updateExistingGoogleSheets: true
  saveOriginalFilesToDrive: true

This is just a simple rendering of the key-value pairs in the config JSON file. It would be better to improve its readability for humans:

Converting local CSV to Google Sheet with the following settings:
  Source directory of the CSV files: /Users/path/to/the/target_directory
  Target Google Drive folder ID: my-drive-folder-id
  Shared Drive mode: No (target is not Shared Drive)
  Update existing Google Sheets with the same name: Yes
  Save original CSV files to the Drive folder as well: Yes