tttapa / Control-Surface-Motor-Fader

Arduino motorized fader controller, and example code for integration with the Control Surface library.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Some DAW not output PB Value when I move real fader #19

Closed huykaamaa closed 1 year ago

huykaamaa commented 1 year ago

My problem is same this thread I test with Cubase and Waves eMotion LV1 How to fix with code? Thank you so much!!!

tttapa commented 1 year ago

Does 81fd2fc help?

huykaamaa commented 1 year ago

Does 81fd2fc help?

Thank you, Sir It work amazing But I still have a problem, setpoint reach 1023 but pitchbend value can not reach 16383 image

tttapa commented 1 year ago

Please include the Config you're using.
Are those Pitch Bend values sent by the Arduino or by the DAW?

huykaamaa commented 1 year ago
struct Config {
    // Print the control loop and interrupt frequencies to Serial at startup:
    static constexpr bool print_frequencies = false;
    // Print the setpoint, actual position and control signal to Serial.
    // Note that this slows down the control loop significantly, it probably
    // won't work if you are using more than one fader without increasing
    // interrupt_divisor:
    static constexpr bool print_controller_signals = false;
    static constexpr uint8_t controller_to_print = 0;
    // Follow the test reference trajectory (true) or receive the target
    // position over I²C or Serial (false):
    static constexpr bool test_reference = false;
    // Increase this divisor to slow down the test reference:
    static constexpr uint8_t test_reference_speed_div = 4;
    // Allow control for tuning and starting experiments over Serial:
    static constexpr bool serial_control = true;
    // I²C slave address (zero to disable I²C):
    static constexpr uint8_t i2c_address = 8;
    // The baud rate to use for the Serial interface (e.g. for MIDI_DEBUG,
    // print_controller_signals, serial_control, etc.)
    static constexpr uint32_t serial_baud_rate = 1000000;
    // The baud rate to use for MIDI over Serial.
    // Use 31'250 for MIDI over 5-pin DIN, HIDUINO/USBMidiKliK.
    // Hairless MIDI uses 115'200 by default.
    // The included python/ script uses 1'000'000.
    static constexpr uint32_t midi_baud_rate = serial_baud_rate;
    // Number of faders, must be between 1 and 4:
    static constexpr size_t num_faders = 1;
    // Actually drive the motors. If set to false, runs all code as normal, but
    // doesn't turn on the motors.
    static constexpr bool enable_controller = true;
    // Use analog pins (A0, A1, A6, A7) instead of (A0, A1, A2, A3), useful for
    // saving digital pins on an Arduino Nano:
    static constexpr bool use_A6_A7 = false;
    // Use pin A2 instead of D13 as the motor driver pin for the fourth fader.
    // Allows D13 to be used as overrun indicator, and avoids issues with the
    // bootloader blinking the LED.
    // Can only be used if `use_A6_A7` is set to true.
    static constexpr bool fader_3_A2 = false;
    // Change the setpoint to the current position when touching the knob.
    // Useful if your DAW does not send any feedback when manually moving the
    // fader.
    static constexpr bool touch_to_current_position = true;
    // Capacitive touch sensing RC time threshold.
    // Increase this time constant if the capacitive touch sense is too
    // sensitive or decrease it if it's not sensitive enough:
    static constexpr float touch_rc_time_threshold = 150e-6; // seconds
    // Bit masks of the touch pins (must be on port B):
    static constexpr uint8_t touch_masks[] = {1 << PB0, 1 << PB1, 1 << PB2,
                                              1 << PB4};

    // Use phase-correct PWM (true) or fast PWM (false), this determines the
    // timer interrupt frequency, prefer phase-correct PWM with prescaler 1 on
    // 16 MHz boards, and fast PWM with prescaler 1 on 8 MHz boards, both result
    // in a PWM and interrupt frequency of 31.250 kHz
    // (fast PWM is twice as fast):
    static constexpr bool phase_correct_pwm = true;
    // The fader position will be sampled once per `interrupt_divisor` timer
    // interrupts, this determines the sampling frequency of the control loop.
    // Some examples include 20 → 320 µs, 30 → 480 µs, 60 → 960 µs,
    // 90 → 1,440 µs, 124 → 2,016 µs, 188 → 3,008 µs, 250 → 4,000 µs.
    // 60 is the default, because it works with four faders. If you only use
    // a single fader, you can go as low as 20 because you only need a quarter
    // of the computations and ADC time:
    static constexpr uint8_t interrupt_divisor = 20 / (1 + phase_correct_pwm);
    // The prescaler for the timer, affects PWM and control loop frequencies:
    static constexpr unsigned prescaler_fac = 1;
    // The prescaler for the ADC, affects speed of analog readings:
    static constexpr uint8_t adc_prescaler_fac = 64;

    // Turn off the motor after this many seconds of inactivity:
    static constexpr float timeout = 2;

    // EMA filter factor for fader position filters:
    static constexpr uint8_t adc_ema_K = 2;
    // SMA filter length for setpoint filters, improves tracking of ramps if the
    // setpoint changes in steps (e.g. when the DAW only updates the reference
    // every 20 ms). Powers of two are significantly faster (e.g. 32 works well):
    static constexpr uint8_t setpoint_sma_length = 32;

    // ------------------------ Computed Quantities ------------------------- //

    // Sampling time of control loop:
    constexpr static float Ts = 1. * prescaler_fac * interrupt_divisor * 256 *
                                (1 + phase_correct_pwm) / F_CPU;
    // Frequency at which the interrupt fires:
    constexpr static float interrupt_freq =
        1. * F_CPU / prescaler_fac / 256 / (1 + phase_correct_pwm);
    // Clock speed of the ADC:
    constexpr static float adc_clock_freq = 1. * F_CPU / adc_prescaler_fac;
    // Pulse pin D13 if the control loop took too long:
    constexpr static bool enable_overrun_indicator =
        num_faders < 4 || fader_3_A2;

    static_assert(0 < num_faders && num_faders <= 4,
                  "At most four faders supported");
    static_assert(use_A6_A7 || !fader_3_A2,
                  "Cannot use A2 for motor driver "
                  "and analog input at the same time");
    static_assert(!WITH_MIDI || !serial_control,
                  "Cannot use MIDI and Serial control at the same time");
    static_assert(!WITH_MIDI || !print_controller_signals,
                  "Cannot use MIDI while printing controller signals");

That is PB Value send by RP2040, i was try use hairless midi with Nano but max pitchbend still 16367

tttapa commented 1 year ago

This should be fixed by fe8a54f.

huykaamaa commented 1 year ago

image Thank you!!!!