tttapa / Control-Surface

Arduino library for creating MIDI controllers and other MIDI devices.
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.28k stars 141 forks source link

Mackie control, valor de los niveles de volumen #269

Open alomdj00 opened 4 years ago

alomdj00 commented 4 years ago

Hola Peter, estuve probando el ejemplo de ingenieria inversa para mackie control y al mover el volumen 1 en fl studio y ableton he obtenido valores que no comprendo muy bien, revise el documento oficial de mackie control y los valores que recibi en el monitor serie son iguales a los expuestos en el manual. Mi pregunta es como se puede convertir estos valores en una variable de tipo int o cualquier otra, por ejemplo este valor E0, 40, 55 = Fader Ch. 1, position (55 << 7) + 40 como puedo convertirlo a una variable, me gustaria poder convertirlo para mostrarlo en un lcd. Muchas gracias por tu tiempo y trabajo en esta gran libreria.

tttapa commented 4 years ago

E0h is a pitch bend message. Right now, there are no specific "MIDI Input Elements" for pitch bend, but you can use the MIDI callbacks directly, see this example. I'm working on a better MIDI input system, which will include pitch bend, but unfortunately I have no time to finish it right now.

alomdj00 commented 4 years ago

He estado haciendo pruebas con el ejemplo que propones y en dispositivos usb nativos va perfecto, sin embargo con el esp32 no he logrado que me muestre en el monitor serie los datos recibidos del daw

tttapa commented 4 years ago

That's probably because the ESP32 doesn't support MIDI over USB. This means that the USBMIDI_Interface uses the same Serial port as the one connected to the Serial monitor.

alomdj00 commented 4 years ago

Puedo redireccionar los mensajes midi de ble a el monitor serie

tttapa commented 4 years ago

Yes, simply replace the line USBMIDI_Interface by BluetoothMIDI_Interface in the example.

alomdj00 commented 4 years ago

En el ejemplo de mackie control ingenieria inversa reemplace el USBMIDI_Interface por BluetoothMIDI_Interface pero no sale nada en el monitor serie, en mi daw lo marque como mackie control pero no sale nada en el monitor, uso esp32 devkit, leds y demas va perfecto en modo mackie, pero el ejemplo de ingenieria inversa o trabaja con el esp en modo ble

tttapa commented 4 years ago

The following works for me on a SparkFun ESP32 Thing on Ubuntu 20.04 and ESP32 Core version 1.0.4 and Control Surface master:

#include <Control_Surface.h>

BluetoothMIDI_Interface midi;

bool channelMessageCallback(ChannelMessage cm) {
  if ((cm.header & 0xF0) == 0x90)
    Serial << hex << cm.header << ' ' << cm.data1 << ' ' << cm.data2 << dec 
           << "\t(" <<  MCU::getMCUNameFromNoteNumber(cm.data1)  << ")" << endl;
    Serial << hex << cm.header << ' ' << cm.data1 << ' ' << cm.data2 << dec << endl;
  return false; // Return true to indicate that handling is done,
                // and Control_Surface shouldn't handle it anymore.
                // If you want Control_Surface to handle it as well,
                // return false.

bool sysExMessageCallback(SysExMessage se) {
  Serial << F("SysEx: ") << hex;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < se.length; ++i)
    Serial <<[i] << ' ';
  Serial << dec << F("on cable ") << se.CN << endl;
  return false; // Return true to indicate that handling is done,
                // and Control_Surface shouldn't handle it anymore.
                // If you want Control_Surface to handle it as well,
                // return false.

bool realTimeMessageCallback(RealTimeMessage rt) {
  Serial << F("Real-Time: ") << hex << rt.message << dec
         << F(" on cable ") << rt.CN << endl;
  return false; // Return true to indicate that handling is done,
                // and Control_Surface shouldn't handle it anymore.
                // If you want Control_Surface to handle it as well,
                // return false.

void setup() {
  // Make sure that the Serial interface is fast enough, so it doesn't stall the MIDI 
  // application
  Control_Surface.setMIDIInputCallbacks(channelMessageCallback,   //
                                        sysExMessageCallback,     //
                                        realTimeMessageCallback); //

void loop() {
tttapa commented 4 years ago

Right now, there are no specific "MIDI Input Elements" for pitch bend, but you can use the MIDI callbacks directly, see this example. I'm working on a better MIDI input system, which will include pitch bend, but unfortunately I have no time to finish it right now.

I added Pitch Bend input support on the new-input branch:

alomdj00 commented 4 years ago

Right now, there are no specific "MIDI Input Elements" for pitch bend, but you can use the MIDI callbacks directly, see this example. I'm working on a better MIDI input system, which will include pitch bend, but unfortunately I have no time to finish it right now.

I added Pitch Bend input support on the new-input branch:

He copiado el ejemplo y me tira error, PBValue no es un tipo de nombre, acabo de descargar la libreria, por lo que no se a que se deba el error

tttapa commented 4 years ago

Did you check out the new-input branch?

alomdj00 commented 4 years ago

Borre la anterior libreria y descargue e instale la control surface new input, si embargo no compila ningun ejemplo

tttapa commented 4 years ago

I assume the problem is that you have to download the submodules, they are not included when you click the "Download ZIP" button on GitHub.

If you use Git, you have to run:

cd "path-to-Arduino/libraries"
git clone --branch new-input
cd Control-Surface/
git submodule update --init