tttapa / Control-Surface

Arduino library for creating MIDI controllers and other MIDI devices.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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8 SSD1306 OLED Displays connected to TCA9548 I2C to Display DAW information like CC changes of tracks ect #776

Open CriusDigitalStudio opened 2 years ago

CriusDigitalStudio commented 2 years ago

I have connected SSD1306 OLED Displays with a TCA9548 8 channel I2C multiplexer to an Arduino Pro Micro. I want to display in each OLED information from each of the 8 tracks in my DAW. I used Control_Surface_MIDI_MONITOR.ino and the Serial Monitor gets the information I want. How can I make these information from the Serial Monitor to be Displayed to the OLEDs?

BTW you have made an AWSOME job with this Library!

tttapa commented 2 years ago

Do you mean you want to show all incoming MIDI events on the displays like the MIDI monitor example?

In that case, you can use the MIDI input callbacks (Ex#1, Ex#2), and then use print statements similar to what I used here:

You should be able to stream into the display instead of the stream, but you'll probably have to do some extra housekeeping for text wrapping and scrolling. However, that's something that the SSD1306 should provide, it's not really a Control Surface-related problem.

If you're using Control Surface's DisplayInterface, this thread might be useful:

CriusDigitalStudio commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the instant reply ! I’ll test it and let you know!