tttapa / Control-Surface

Arduino library for creating MIDI controllers and other MIDI devices.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Multiple IncrementDecrement Buttons #81

Closed rogerarends closed 4 years ago

rogerarends commented 4 years ago

How would I add 3 or more, eg; one for JOG_Wheel and Master volume

#include <Control_Surface.h> // Include the Control Surface library

// Instantiate a MIDI over USB interface.
USBMIDI_Interface midi;

// Instantiate a CCIncrementDecrementButtons object
CCIncrementDecrementButtons buttons = {
  {5, 6},              // Button pins: 5 increments, 6 decrements
  MCU::V_POT_1,        // Increment/Decrement CC address
  1,                   // Multiplier
  MCU::V_POT_SELECT_1, // Reset note address

void setup() {
  // Use the Mackie Control protocol for sending relative MIDI CC messages.

  Control_Surface.begin(); // Initialize Control Surface

void loop() {
  Control_Surface.loop(); // Update the control surface
tttapa commented 4 years ago

Just create more instances:

// Instantiate a CCIncrementDecrementButtons object
CCIncrementDecrementButtons vpotbtn1 = {
  {5, 6},              // Button pins: 5 increments, 6 decrements
  MCU::V_POT_1,        // Increment/Decrement CC address
  1,                   // Multiplier
  MCU::V_POT_SELECT_1, // Reset note address

CCIncrementDecrementButtons vpotbtn2 = {
  {7, 8},              // Button pins: 7 increments, 8 decrements
  MCU::V_POT_2,        // Increment/Decrement CC address
  1,                   // Multiplier
  MCU::V_POT_SELECT_2, // Reset note address

The reset note is optional, see documentation:

CCIncrementDecrementButtons vpotbtn2 = {
  {9, 10},              // Button pins: 9 increments, 10 decrements
  MCU::JOG_WHEEL,    // Increment/Decrement CC address
  1,                   // Multiplier

Master volume uses Pitch Bend, not relative CC, so it won't work with CCIncrementDecrementButtons.
It's pretty straightforward to implement the same functionality, but I would suggest taking a step back to learn the language using some simpler examples first.

Once you know some more C++, you can use this as inspiration:

In the send method, add the delta to a position variable, constrain the position to the interval [0, 16383], and send the position over MIDI, not the delta.
You can get rid of the reset method and the ResetSender.

rogerarends commented 4 years ago

I'm impatient. I like building stuff, and troubleshooting hardware (IT) and programming was always my downfall.., but I'm learning slowly.

Thanks for your help thus far. Project almost complete.