ttyborg / erampage

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build fail #36

Closed a-detiste closed 10 months ago

a-detiste commented 9 years ago

thanks for keeping this alive :smile:

make: *** No rule to make target 'source/jaudiolib/include/fx_man.h', needed by 'obj/game.o'.  Stop.

I'll add this game to Debian's game-data-packager

ghost commented 8 years ago

Same here. Trying to build this on Fedora 23 and got the same error:

make: *\ No rule to make target 'source/jaudiolib/include/fx_man.h', needed by 'obj/game.o'. Stop.

Chambers3000 commented 8 years ago

Also confirmed on FC24 make: *\ No rule to make target 'source/jaudiolib/include/fx_man.h', needed by 'obj/game.o'. Stop.

pizzadude commented 7 years ago

It builds under an Ubuntu 12.04 chroot if I do

git revert --no-commit 441c30f9034e..HEAD


pizzadude commented 7 years ago

Here's my build in case anyone wants it.

Built on Ubuntu 12.04 chroot.

Confirmed running on Linux Mint 18 AKA Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit