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post/linux/fedora/the-good-and-the-bad-of-fedora-linux/ #4

Open utterances-bot opened 3 years ago

utterances-bot commented 3 years ago

The Good and The Bad of Fedora Linux :: /dev/ttyS3 — 回首向来萧瑟处 也无荒野也无灯

The good DeltaRPM 是个好东西,可以节省更新的流量和本地cache的package空间 Fedora Linux has supported binary delta updates by default using the yum presto plugin since June 2009. This is based on RPM Package Manager’s deltarpm system (2004), which was in turn based on bsdiff.[1]

karuboniru commented 3 years ago

FAS 虽然需要注册,但是登陆这事情可以通过 krb5 做单点登陆,Gnome DE 的话在设置里面可以配置单点登陆。

还有一个小 trick, 比如 yarn 这样第三方通过 npm 分发的软件,fedora 下可以通过 sudo dnf install npm(yarn) 安装。这种 provides 还适用于 cmake 库,例如 cmake(Qt5DBus) 就对应于 CMake 里面 find_pacakge 的时候要找的文件的提供者。(其实 rpm 系应该都支持,deb 系我不清楚)