tu-darmstadt-ros-pkg / hector_gazebo

hector_gazebo provides packages related to the simulation of robots using gazebo (gazebo plugins, world files etc.).
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diffdrive_plugin_6w usage? #65

Open GrantDare opened 4 years ago

GrantDare commented 4 years ago

Hi team,

I am attempting to simulate a 6-wheeled robot in gazebo and am looking to use your plugin. Could you please supply me an example usage for a .urdf.xacro description? I have scoured and cannot find an up to date (or actually even any on the 6w plugin) example to draw from.

Here is my attempt?

    <plugin name="6w_diff_drive" filename="libdiffdrive_plugin_6w.so">

The implementation runs and I can control the robot linearly but can't enact any angular velocity on the system.

Thanks, Grant