tu-darmstadt-ros-pkg / hector_gazebo

hector_gazebo provides packages related to the simulation of robots using gazebo (gazebo plugins, world files etc.).
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libgazebo_ros_gps : failed to load plugin #85

Closed Harry-Rogers closed 3 years ago

Harry-Rogers commented 3 years ago


I have been trying to add this package to my gazebo simulation but have came across this error below when loading the plugin. I'm not sure how to fix this?

[Err] [Plugin.hh:178] Failed to load plugin: undefined symbol: _ZN19dynamic_reconfigure14__init_mutex__E

StefanFabian commented 3 years ago

I currently don't have the time to look into this but this means it is looking for a function that is in the plugin library or one of its linked libraries. This could either mean that the library this symbol is in was not linked against the plugin but as far as I could see it should be or that the library changed and the new version may not have this symbol and is therefore not compatible. In the latter case, the plugin has to be rebuilt. Also, make sure your packages are all up to date.

Harry-Rogers commented 3 years ago

I think I'm missing the GNSSConfig.h file. I can't seem to find it on the repository.

Sorted this by adding below code to CMakeLists.txt.

find_package(catkin REQUIRED dynamic_reconfigure) generate_dynamic_reconfigure_options( cfg/GNSS.cfg )

This generates the header file that I believe was the issue.

StefanFabian commented 3 years ago

That is already in the CMakeLists.txt of hector_gazebo_plugins so I don't understand why you'd have to add this.




You also need an add_dependencies to make sure it is generated before the target is built:
