tu-darmstadt-ros-pkg / hector_localization

The hector_localization stack is a collection of packages, that provide the full 6DOF pose of a robot or platform.
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Roll Pitch problem (huge linear acceleration bias) #15

Open mandu46 opened 6 years ago

mandu46 commented 6 years ago

Hello all I am trying to fuse imu, poseupdate which published from hector_slam using 2D Hokuyo lidar and 1D lidar for heigt measuerement using hector_localization. At first I got a error meassge "Invalid state, resetting..." and I solved it with edit poseupdate.cpp (I think covariance and H matrix at updating Yaw was problem).
After that, it looks algorith works fine, but when robot start to move, roll and ptich of base_link and /pose are become tilted. And vector x, y of /linear acceleration bias goes larger and larger. Attitude of /sensor_pose looks fine that I don`t think subscribing IMU problem or wrong frame problem.. And when I check the debug messages, "updating with system model gyro or accelerometer" results shows just 0 (dt * f(x) ] [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...]. Is it relavant?

If someone knows the answer, please let me know.. I really want make it move...

Best regards,