tu-darmstadt-ros-pkg / hector_quadrotor

hector_quadrotor contains packages related to modeling, control and simulation of quadrotor UAV systems.
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RVIZ Issue of hector_quadrotor indoor/outdoor flight demo (installed from source) #10

Open ronaldtsang opened 10 years ago

ronaldtsang commented 10 years ago

http://wiki.ros.org/action/fullsearch/hector_quadrotor/Tutorials I am able to run both indoor&outdoor demos using the given "binary packages" successfully, but there are issues when I try to install and run them "from source". Gazebo works fine, but all the sensors are not working in RVIZ. Attached are the screenshots. hector-s1 hector-s2

I've tried these on two different PC (12.04 ubuntu+ROS Hydro+Gazebo1.9 ; Both Pre-compiled binaries), both have the same issue. Hope someone could help. Thanks in advance!

meyerj commented 10 years ago

Sorry for not having responded earlier. Is this still an issue?

It looks as if the TF tree is not complete, which is published by the /ground_truth_to_tf node (from package message_to_tf). Is this node running in your setup? In any case we would need the full output or log files of all commands you are running to reproduce the problem.