tu-darmstadt-ros-pkg / hector_slam

hector_slam contains ROS packages related to performing SLAM in unstructed environments like those encountered in the Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) scenarios of the RoboCup Rescue competition.
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Error has occurred while running 'roslaunch hector_slam_launch tutorial.launch' #85

Closed darkasassin44 closed 3 years ago

darkasassin44 commented 3 years ago

Maybe more than a month earlier(It was 13 Dec 2020 noted on my scheduler), I've done this process successfully without any error. I've followed this Youtube video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qrtz0a7HaQ4

1st terminal : roscore 2nd terminal : roslaunch rplidar_ros rplidar_a3.launch 3rd terminal : roslaunch hector_slam_launch tutorial.launch I could find an error on 3rd terminal.

lbd_song@lbd-gcs:~$ roslaunch hector_slam_launch tutorial.launch 
... logging to /home/lbd_song/.ros/log/bcdf61de-5540-11eb-a4ce-e0d4e8ff40e7/roslaunch-lbd-gcs-12887.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

RLException: while processing /home/lbd_song/catkin_ws/src/hector_slam/hector_geotiff/launch/geotiff_mapper.launch:
Invalid roslaunch XML syntax: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'/home/lbd_song/catkin_ws/src/hector_slam/hector_geotiff/launch/geotiff_mapper.launch'
The traceback for the exception was written to the log file

I cannot find the directory as error says too. Please tell me how to fix this error. Thank you all the time.

StefanFabian commented 3 years ago

Thank you for the report. The geotiff launch files were moved to a separate package, looks like I've missed a reference.

matthias-schleibinger commented 3 years ago

If I am not mistaken the "geotiff_mapper.launch" was moved from the "hector_geotiff" package to the "hector_geotiff_launch" package. So in order to resolve this error you have to go to your "tutorial.launch" file and change the line <include file="$(find hector_geotiff)/launch/geotiff_mapper.launch"> to <include file="$(find hector_geotiff_launch)/launch/geotiff_mapper.launch">

StefanFabian commented 3 years ago

Should be fixed by 77b51a6.

Iulian19768 commented 1 year ago

Hello, i am getting this error when running : "roslaunch hector_slam_launch tutorial.launch" Resource not found: The following package was not found in <arg default="$(find hector_geotiff)/maps" name="geotiff_map_file_path"/>: hector_geotiff ROS path [0]=/opt/ros/melodic/share/ros ROS path [1]=/home/robotica/sdk_ld06_raspberry_ros/src ROS path [2]=/opt/ros/melodic/share The traceback for the exception was written to the log file