tuananh / camaro

camaro is an utility to transform XML to JSON, using Node.js binding to native XML parser pugixml, one of the fastest XML parser around.
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Add better typing to `transform` #90

Open betafcc opened 4 years ago

betafcc commented 4 years ago

It is possible to statically type the parsed type based on the template argument, I was meaning to do a PR but have no idea how to test it, plus, the definition of 'Template' is possibly incomplete, since I couldn't find doc on it.

I'm using these helpers:

import { transform } from 'camaro'

export type Template<P extends Props> = P
export type Props = { [key: string]: Mixed }
export type Mixed = string | Props | [string, Props]
export type OutputOf<T extends Props> = OutputOfMixed<T>
export type OutputOfMixed<T extends Mixed> = T extends string
  ? string
  : T extends Props
  ? { [P in keyof T]: OutputOfMixed<T[P]> }
  : T extends [string, Props]
  ? Array<OutputOf<T[1]>>
  : never

export const template = <P extends Props>(props: P): Template<P> => props
export const parse = <P extends Props>(template: Template<P>, xml: string): Promise<OutputOf<P>> => transform(xml, template)

With those, the example in README can be refactored to:

const Rate = template({
  currency: 'ChargeableRateInfo/@currencyCode',
  non_refundable: 'boolean(nonRefundable = "true")',
  price: 'number(ChargeableRateInfo/@total)'

const Room = template({
  room_name: 'roomDescription',
  room_type_id: 'roomTypeCode',
  rates: ['RatesInfos/RateInfo', Rate]

const Hotel = template({
  hotel_id: 'hotelId',
  name: 'name',
  rooms: ['RoomRateDetailsList/RoomRateDetails', Room]

const Doc = template({
  cache_key: '/HotelListResponse/cacheKey',
  session_id: '/HotelListResponse/customerSessionId',
  hotels: ['//HotelSummary', Hotel]

And TS can infer the parsed type:

const result = parse(Doc, '')
// Revealed:
// const result: Promise<{
//   cache_key: string;
//   session_id: string;
//   hotels: {
//       hotel_id: string;
//       name: string;
//       rooms: {
//           room_name: string;
//           room_type_id: string;
//           rates: {
//               currency: string;
//               non_refundable: string;
//               price: string;
//           }[];
//       }[];
//   }[];
// }>

Or it can be extracted:

type DocType = OutputOf<typeof Doc>
// Revealed:
// type DocType = {
//   cache_key: string;
//   session_id: string;
//   hotels: {
//       hotel_id: string;
//       name: string;
//       rooms: {
//           room_name: string;
//           room_type_id: string;
//           rates: {
//               currency: string;
//               non_refundable: string;
//               price: string;
//           }[];
//       }[];
//   }[];
// }

Thanks for this awesome project btw

tuananh commented 4 years ago

Thanks. I don't have much experience with TS. Lemme research on this a bit.

betafcc commented 4 years ago

Nice! If it's useful then, here are some aditional info about those types:

With those, you can type transform as-is just by changing

transform(xml: string, template: object): Promise<any>;


transform<P extends Props>(xml: string, template: Template<P>): Promise<OutputOf<P>>;

My wrapper is called 'parse' and have inverted arguments just for personal preference.

The 'template' function does have a more important purpuse: you could use the typed transform without it:

transform('', {
  cache_key: '/HotelListResponse/cacheKey',
  session_id: '/HotelListResponse/customerSessionId',
  hotels: [
      hotel_id: 'hotelId',
      name: 'name',
      rooms: [
          room_name: 'roomDescription',
          room_type_id: 'roomTypeCode'

And this will be well typed, but if you factor the entities:

const Hotel = {
  hotel_id: 'hotelId',
  name: 'name',
  rooms: [
      room_name: 'roomDescription',
      room_type_id: 'roomTypeCode'

transform('', {
  cache_key: '/HotelListResponse/cacheKey',
  session_id: '/HotelListResponse/customerSessionId',
  hotels: ['//HotelSummary', Hotel]

Then TS will complain that 'Hotel' entity in hotels: ['//HotelSummary', Hotel] is not a Template, that is because of the inference rules, for example, TS will see the Hotel.rooms as a Array<string | {...}> instead of a tuple of [string, {...}] as it should be. One workaround would be to add as const in the end of each entity declaration, but that raises other complexities around 'readonly' fields.

In the end, this aparentely 'dummy' function:

const template = <P extends Props>(props: P): Template<P> => props

Has the intent of helping the type system infer the plain object structure as a Template correctly without having to do a cumbersome as Template<{...}> cast