tuanba2308 / mininetnote

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hping3 + topology #2

Open tuanba2308 opened 5 years ago

tuanba2308 commented 5 years ago

có vài thứ hay ho như mô hình https://zhenkunhe.github.io/Gitbook/Linux/md/2-Mininet/3-mininet%20%E5%AF%A6%E6%88%B0.html

multi ping -> multi hping https://github.com/mininet/mininet/blob/82998cac8b561097ec8455408aa767e3382e7cd4/examples/multiping.py

On the client side, iperf doesn't wait for ACKs - it simply

reports how long it took to fill up the TCP send buffer.

As long as the kernel doesn't wait a long time before

delivering bytes to the iperf server, its reported data rate

should be close to the actual receive rate


test iperf bandwidth for varying cpu limits cpu limits là gì https://github.com/mininet/mininet/blob/9e5280b4d1cf4dd5de3d9a5da21964c23cbdfa48/examples/cpu.py

test bandwidth, loss, and delay https://github.com/mininet/mininet/blob/dfb297901fd4bf0ad0cad317973180392dafa277/examples/intfoptions.py

Test bandwidth (using iperf) on linear networks of varying size, using both kernel and user datapaths. https://github.com/mininet/mininet/blob/36d2b211875233996e8f3e6f7a1712ed42fd49a0/examples/linearbandwidth.py

test testLinkChange https://github.com/mininet/mininet/blob/9e5280b4d1cf4dd5de3d9a5da21964c23cbdfa48/mininet/test/test_walkthrough.py

example of using link and CPU limits https://github.com/mininet/mininet/blob/dfb297901fd4bf0ad0cad317973180392dafa277/examples/limit.py

search https://github.com/search?q=hping3+sdn&type=Code cái này giống mình, quan trọng https://github.com/tigarto/2019_test/blob/05b59346f9b88917c754c496fb9facfe2010ef1c/enero/29/README.md

tuanba2308 commented 5 years ago

hping3 -c 10000 -d 120 -S -w 64 -p 4444 --flood --rand-source ip lab thầy hòa image

tuanba2308 commented 5 years ago

https://github.com/flyq/learn_python_sdn/tree/3b4ee7befb7074af2ab824f34e537fd327811865/DDoSAttackMitigationSystem cái này giống mình quan trọng

tuanba2308 commented 5 years ago

link speed https://github.com/adiluckyo/MasterThesis/tree/037bb1c64814c2ac37b89aa79cc3c4b092cac8cb/src/main/java/net/floodlightcontroller/statistics/web

tuanba2308 commented 5 years ago


tuanba2308 commented 5 years ago

hping3 -c 1000000 -d 500 -w 64 -p 4444 -i u5000


tuanba2308 commented 5 years ago
