tuanhung303 / CoderSchool

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Open coderschoolreview opened 5 years ago

coderschoolreview commented 5 years ago

Goal of this Assignment

The goal of this assignment was to introduce you to 2 main concepts in Machine Learning:

You learn how to query and clean data using pandas library in Python, make some plots which help to understand more about data with Seaborn library.

Things you did well:

To sum up:

coderschoolreview commented 5 years ago

The goal of this assignment is for you to learn to build and evaluate a model using scikit-learn library in Python. You learn how to do Data pre-processing, splitting it into training and test sets, training your model using training sets and evaluating its performance on test sets.

Things you did well:

Some minor tips:

coderschoolreview commented 5 years ago

Hi Hung Tuan,

Excellent work on your Assignment 3. You seem confident with performing tasks that include sentiment analysis.

Keep it up!

coderschoolreview commented 5 years ago

hyl0428: Assignment 5

The goal of this assignment was to introduce you following concepts in Machine Learning:

Things you did well

Things to work on

Minor tips

coderschoolreview commented 5 years ago
Please ignore previous comment, commented on wrong profile, terribly sorry

Hung Tuan: Assignment 5

The goal of this assignment was to introduce you following concepts in Machine Learning:

Things you did well

Things to work on

Minor tips

Or, in the notebook type: !pip install missingno

coderschoolreview commented 5 years ago

Assignment 6

Goal of this Assignment

The goal of this assignment was to introduce you to following concepts:

You learn how to use PCA for dimension reduction, KMeans, and Hierarchical Clustering. Also you learn to visualize the result of both tenichque.

Things you did well:

To sum up:

Overall, excellent work! You are demonstrating that you are understanding the material and doing a great job of applying it. Keep it up!

Few minor tips

For this question, there's a shorter version. (What if there's a hundred features?)

total_purchases = data.sum(axis=1)
purchase_percent = data.div(total_purchases, axis=0) * 100

For this question. you're plotting 2 first features of original dataset, while the question requires to plot on 2 first component of PCA. Try this

plt.figure(figsize=(10, 7))
plt.scatter(pca_data['PC1'], pca_data['PC2'], c=cluster.labels_, cmap='rainbow');