tuanpmt / espduino

ESP8266 network client (mqtt, restful) for Arduino
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Help sending multiple publish (MQTT,Bridge) #52

Open tolbier opened 8 years ago

tolbier commented 8 years ago

I am using the tuanpmt code & libraries to run an Arduino multi sensor to send mqtt messages through a ESP8266 (Bridge Mode)

The code below runs ok, but the trouble is that it only publishes the message ONCE....(after a certain amount of time, it debugs a "beacon timeout" and it starts to connect and publish again)

I would like to publish maybe each 10 seconds, and keeping alive the Wifi Connection I don't know exactly how to call the publish method from the loop?, or to stablish a period of time to run this cycle until the arduino is reseted

Could you help me giving me some clues or help?

thanks in advance from Spain. ` /**

SoftwareSerial debugPort(2, 3); // RX, TX ESP esp(&Serial, &debugPort, 4); MQTT mqtt(&esp); boolean wifiConnected = false;

void wifiCb(void* response) { uint32_t status; RESPONSE res(response);

if(res.getArgc() == 1) { res.popArgs((uint8t)&status, 4); if(status == STATION_GOT_IP) { debugPort.println("WIFI CONNECTED"); mqtt.connect("", 1883); //mqtt.connect("", 1883, false); wifiConnected = true; //or mqtt.connect("host", 1883); /_without security ssl*/ } else { wifiConnected = false; mqtt.disconnect(); }

} }

void mqttConnected(void* response) { debugPort.println("Connected");

//mqtt.subscribe("/topic/0"); //or mqtt.subscribe("topic"); /with qos = 0/ //mqtt.subscribe("/topic/1"); //mqtt.subscribe("/topic/2");

mqtt.publish("/test01", "ASDFG 313");

} void mqttDisconnected(void* response) {

} void mqttData(void* response) { RESPONSE res(response);

debugPort.print("Received: topic="); String topic = res.popString(); debugPort.println(topic);

debugPort.print("data="); String data = res.popString(); debugPort.println(data);

} void mqttPublished(void* response) {

} void setup() { Serial.begin(19200); debugPort.begin(19200); esp.enable(); delay(500); esp.reset(); delay(500); while(!esp.ready());

debugPort.println("ARDUINO: setup mqtt client"); if(!mqtt.begin("UNIT01", NULL, NULL, 120, 1)) { debugPort.println("ARDUINO: fail to setup mqtt"); while(1); }

debugPort.println("ARDUINO: setup mqtt lwt"); mqtt.lwt("/lwt", "offline", 0, 0); //or mqtt.lwt("/lwt", "offline");

/setup mqtt events / mqtt.connectedCb.attach(&mqttConnected); mqtt.disconnectedCb.attach(&mqttDisconnected); mqtt.publishedCb.attach(&mqttPublished); mqtt.dataCb.attach(&mqttData);

/setup wifi/ debugPort.println("ARDUINO: setup wifi"); esp.wifiCb.attach(&wifiCb);


debugPort.println("ARDUINO: system started");


void loop() {

esp.process(); if (wifiConnected){

} } `

frugallabs commented 8 years ago

You can call this in void loop if (wifiConnected){ mqtt.publish("/test01", "ASDFG 313"); delay(5000); }

tolbier commented 8 years ago

Thank you. I will try it.....