tuarua / Firebase-ANE

Firebase Adobe Air Native Extension for iOS 12.2+ and Android 19+. Includes OneSignal and Google SignIn
Apache License 2.0
32 stars 5 forks source link

Issues in get_android_dependencies.sh #13

Closed roipeker closed 6 years ago

roipeker commented 6 years ago

Missing $ and wrong version numbering, so files are corrupt when downloaded and example app can't be compiled.


line 8 should be KotlinxCoroutinesVersion="0.24.0" (org.jetbrains.kotlinx.kotlinx-coroutines-android-0.24.0.ane)

line 37 should be wget -O android_dependencies/com.google.firebase.firebase-ml-vision-$VisionVersion.ane https://github.com/tuarua/Android-ANE-Dependencies/blob/master/anes/firebase/com.google.firebase.firebase-ml-vision-$VisionVersion.ane?raw=true