tuarua / Vibration-ANE

Vibration + Haptic Adobe Air Native Extension for iOS 9.0+, Android 19+
Apache License 2.0
8 stars 1 forks source link

VibrationAne was not found for the target platform. #4

Closed yooni126 closed 6 years ago

yooni126 commented 6 years ago

I want to test your example project in ios and read your help step by step now in Mac os, and air sdk 29 in intelij IDE when I compile project I see this error :

An implementation for native extension 'com.tuarua.VibrationANE' required by the application was not found for the target platform.



tuarua commented 6 years ago

All working fine for me.

Please ensure the ANE is added under "Dependencies" tab - is not giving a broken path and is linked as an ANE. Don't add the swc as some people do. image

Please correct the dependencies path


The safest way to download the ANE and dependencies is using the get_ios_dependencies.sh bash script provided

yooni126 commented 6 years ago

thank you but there is no vibrationAne.ANE in your repository! I see only vibrationANE.swc also I used bash script(get_ios_dependencies.sh) but it downloaded only framework files. how can I get ANE file?

tuarua commented 6 years ago

The script downloads the ANE too https://github.com/tuarua/Vibration-ANE/blob/master/example/get_ios_dependencies.sh#L14

It is also listed on the releases page https://github.com/tuarua/Vibration-ANE/releases

yooni126 commented 6 years ago

thank you Tuarua , you are one of my hero in Air developer world 👍 now it works like a charm! only I must set framework path to this for it working for me :
