tuarua / WebViewANE

WebView Adobe Air Native Extension for macOS 10.10+, Windows Desktop, iOS 9.0+ and Android 19+. This ANE provides access to a more modern webview from AIR.
Apache License 2.0
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Microsoft Modern WebView (Edge) in Win32 in future update #132

Closed tuarua closed 6 years ago

tuarua commented 6 years ago

Microsoft have announced that a future Windows update will include an Edge based Win32 control to replace the old IE11 based control.


This ticket is to track updates and investigate ability to choose this control or existing CEF browser.

Possible Benefits

tuarua commented 6 years ago

Updates: https://github.com/Microsoft/WindowsCommunityToolkit/blob/master/docs/controls/WebView.md




fobrs commented 6 years ago


apptouch commented 6 years ago

Just starting my ramp up on using Edge over CEF. Any links that point to using the Edge webView in a C++, Win32 app? Thanks!

apptouch commented 6 years ago

Actually, I'm reviewing this now... might be helpful to someone:


fobrs commented 6 years ago

I've converted the win32 cpp WRL sample to cppwinrt: https://github.com/fobrs/WebViewSample.Win32.cppwinrt

tuarua commented 6 years ago

1.7.0 will contain the first beta-grade support for Modern WebView (Edge) The feature set is much lighter than the CEF based view.

There are still many bugs and features missing from Microsoft's offering such as:

On the + side

fobrs commented 6 years ago

You can use WebView.CapturePreviewToStreamAsync() to capture a bitmap of the WebView and get a Stream for it.

Use WebViewControl.Scale to set the zoom.

Use WebView.NavigateToString to display a html string

tuarua commented 6 years ago

@fobrs The first 2 have NOT been implemented yet in the Win32 control. NavigateToString causes a crash.

Please consider this issue is here for me to inform my users what to expect in the upcoming release of my project.

tuarua commented 6 years ago

Investigate new version 4.0.0 to see what additional APIs are available

tuarua commented 6 years ago

Version 1.9.0 will include the following additions:

ArgusMagnus commented 5 years ago

Be careful when using the Edge WebView: https://github.com/windows-toolkit/Microsoft.Toolkit.Win32/issues/83