tuarua / WebViewANE

WebView Adobe Air Native Extension for macOS 10.10+, Windows Desktop, iOS 9.0+ and Android 19+. This ANE provides access to a more modern webview from AIR.
Apache License 2.0
183 stars 53 forks source link

Keyboard event problem. #196

Closed witten-lab closed 5 years ago

witten-lab commented 5 years ago

Answer the below. DO NOT DELETE!!

tuarua commented 5 years ago

This is now fixed in 2.1.1

witten-lab commented 5 years ago

Thanks for fixing this issue. I just tested 2.1.1 and unfortunately I got this error message.

ArgumentError: Error #3500: The extension context does not have a method with the name init.
    at flash.external::ExtensionContext/_call()
    at flash.external::ExtensionContext/call()
    at com.tuarua::WebViewANE/init()[/Users/eoinlandy/flash/WebViewANE/native_extension/src/com/tuarua/WebViewANE.as:423]
    at WebViewANESample/onActivated()[/WebViewANESample/src/WebViewANESample.as:157]
tuarua commented 5 years ago

That usually happens when the ane file didn't download correctly, ie it is corrupt. Please run the get_dependencies.sh script Clear the bin-release folder. Ensure you don't also include the swc

I don't get that error.

witten-lab commented 5 years ago

It works now. I downloaded FreSwift.ane and WebViewANE.ane again then changed "new CommonDependencies()" to "new FreSwift()" on main class. Thanks you.