tubbadu / Scriptinator

Behold! the Scriptinator! A plasmoid button to launch custom scripts on click and on mouse scroll, allowing you to change icon dynamically
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applet icon suggestions #13

Closed Sadi58 closed 1 year ago

Sadi58 commented 1 year ago

The current icon looks like a toy/paint gun, IMHO. I thought a better one can be selected from amongst suggestions here. To start with, I have the following suggestion, which is just 13.6 Kb although the scalable image size is 512 px: scriptinator

tubbadu commented 1 year ago

The idea behind the Scriptinator logo comes from Dr. Doofenshmirtz from the Phineas and Ferb animated show, but I agree that it needs a more minimalistic icon like the one that you posted however, sadly, in the metadata.desktop file (where all the plasmoid info are written) the "Icon" field does accept only absolute path, so I cannot use ./icons/myicon.svg nor ~/.local/share/plasmoid/.........: I can only use full path (/home/username/.....) but it has to be modified by everyone who installs it, or a global icon name, that should be installed. The install.sh script does exactly this (the old version edited the .desktop file replacing the username in the path, while the new one installs the icon), but if the plasmoid is installed through store.kde.org I can only use a system icon, so I was thinking about just using a system icon like dialog-scripts or format-text-code:



what do you think about this? is it better a custom icon or should we just give up and use a system icon?

thanks for the help!!!!!!

Sadi58 commented 1 year ago

Hmm, on second thought, I think it might be a better idea to use one of the existing system icons, and leave the user to choose a custom icon if they wish (like mine above). In addition to dialog-scripts, and format-text-code above, I think other relevant system icons might be: utilities-terminal, plasma-nano, and smart-git. Perhaps, one of the last two would look nicer. utilities-terminal plasma-nano smartgit

tubbadu commented 1 year ago

I really like the plasma-nano icon! in the version 3.0 I'll use one of these icons then, so the installation process will be simpler

Sadi58 commented 1 year ago

Having decided to use the stock icon utilities-terminal, you might like to update install.sh, and and remove the sub-directory img maybe. BTW, the screenshot in KDE Store also needs updating, which might also be included in the README.md file.

tubbadu commented 1 year ago

in the next push I'll remove the install.sh and the img folder as not needed anymore, to install will be necessary just a single command (plasmapkg2 --install filename.plasmoid) that I will write inside the readme

BTW, the screenshot in KDE Store also needs updating, which might also be included in the README.md file. I totally forgot about this! I'll fix this as soon as possible, perhaps with some GIF to show how it works