tube0013 / tube_gateways

Information and Documentation on Tube's Zigbee Gateways
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ESPHome 2023.09 update issue #158

Open jodewee opened 9 months ago

jodewee commented 9 months ago

When try to update or get logs, i get now following in esphome;


jodewee commented 9 months ago

I fixed it;

The issue was that it was pointed to some beta folder in github:

packages: tubezb.cc2652p2-ethusb-2022: github://tube0013/tube_gateways/models/current/tubeszb-cc2652-eth_usb/firmware/esphome/source/beta/tubezb-cc2652p2-ethusb-2022.yaml

changed it to: github://tube0013/tube_gateways/models/current/tubeszb-cc2652-eth_usb/firmware/esphome/tubezb-cc2652p2-ethusb-2022.yaml