tube0013 / tube_gateways

Information and Documentation on Tube's Zigbee Gateways
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Q: Add a relay module to CC2652P2 based Zigbee to Ethernet/USB Serial Coordinator #53

Open vampywiz17 opened 2 years ago

vampywiz17 commented 2 years ago

Hello there,

i would like to add a one channel relay module to your coordonator. Like this


Possible to use the ethernet connection pins to connect it? My idea is that solder this type of pin header and use the free pins in WT32-ETH01


tube0013 commented 2 years ago

Should work. The used pins are defined in the esphome yanks posted here.

Just be aware the custom serial server component has issues on esphome after 2021.09.x. It will not be able to flash the cc2652 module over the network connection.

vampywiz17 commented 2 years ago


My plan that i install Tasmota and use that control zigbee TRV-s. Create a rule, that any of TRV is open state >=10% the relay is On. If all of lower than 10%, relay Off.