tuckerconnelly / carbon-ui

React Native Material Design library for all platforms
MIT License
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Reference for the material design icons used #19

Closed davetao closed 7 years ago

davetao commented 7 years ago


I am having some trouble trying to find what icons are available to use. I have tried basic arrow_back / arrow_left options and it is coming up blank

Only some icons appear. Do you have any instructions on how it works?

tuckerconnelly commented 7 years ago

Hey Dave, stoked you're using carbon-ui

I've got some examples here that work on Android for me: https://github.com/tuckerconnelly/react-stack-nav-examples

I'd make super sure you have the material-icons font in your assets/fonts folder, like it is here: https://github.com/tuckerconnelly/react-stack-nav-examples/tree/master/Drawer/android/app/src/main/assets/fonts

Lemme know how it goes

davetao commented 7 years ago


So it looks like the icons just dont appear on the genymotion emulator for some odd reason.

Thanks for the test project