tuckerconnelly / carbon-ui

React Native Material Design library for all platforms
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Add card component #23

Closed remon-nashid closed 7 years ago

remon-nashid commented 7 years ago

Fixes #21.

This is a minimal implementation of Card component, as well as sub-components (Title, Text and Actions).

Implementation goals are:

TODO these tasks could be tackled in following tickets

I'd appreciate all kinds of feedback to make this PR fit holistically in Carbon UI :).

tuckerconnelly commented 7 years ago

Dude you're a legend! I'm SUPER busy right now, but I'll try to find some time this weekend to look it over and give feedback. Thanks so much and stoked you're contributing :)

remon-nashid commented 7 years ago

Awesome! Your feedback would be great!

remon-nashid commented 7 years ago

Thanks @tuckerconnelly! Required changes are quite reasonable. Working on them.

P.S perhaps we can enforce those guidelines via additional ESLint rules?

remon-nashid commented 7 years ago

I can't believe it took me 4 weeks to get back to the PR. Anyway, all requested changes have been applied!

remon-nashid commented 7 years ago

Hi @tuckerconnelly, is there anything left before merging this component? I'm happy to apply any recomendations you might have.

tuckerconnelly commented 7 years ago

Coding wise looks rad. Gonna trust it's up to spec. Merging.

Btw, moving all my efforts over to https://github.com/next-md/next-md now--kinda in to next.js and PWAs currently. Goal is to completely transfer over carbon-ui.

remon-nashid commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the heads-up about next-md, @tuckerconnelly. I hope it's as suitable as carbon-ui to my use case.