tuckerconnelly / carbon-ui

React Native Material Design library for all platforms
MIT License
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Component roadmap? #8

Closed hervejegou closed 7 years ago

hervejegou commented 7 years ago

Hello and thanks for a great library! This is how all UI for apps designed for web and mobile should/will be developed very soon.

I have a react app UI designed with Onsen UI which works in web and with Cordova, but want to switch to react-native + react-native-web UI.

I have looked at Native-base-web and at carbon-ui. Carbon-ui is a better choice (though I am no expert).

I have compared carbon-ui carefully to Native-base-web and looked at what would be used for a rather simple app UI and I only see a few items/components missing in Carbon-ui to allow full UI development:

  1. sample code for bottom navigation
  2. list item with avatar or image in the left (now it seems we can add an element in right-icon only?)
  3. right side panel (could be the navigation drawer with one added prop 'openFromRight' to change the translateX styles values)
  4. for forms: radio button / checkbox ? dropdown / select ?

I have limited experience and I tried to see if I could do this myself. At best I could maybe hack item 3 so I think I am stuck.

It would be great if you could give a component roadmap so interested users could see what to expect shortly/next and could then try to design themselves what is not on roadmap and contribute back maybe ?

Thanks again and I look forward to using carbon-ui soon.

tuckerconnelly commented 7 years ago

Hey man, thanks for considering carbon-ui :)

I added a basic roadmap: https://github.com/tuckerconnelly/carbon-ui/blob/master/ROADMAP.md

Also added an example for BottomNavigation: http://carbon-ui.com/components/BottomNavigation

And added issues for the other things :)

hervejegou commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the quick update! This is looking really promising.