tuckergol / binarylogicrepo

Binary Logic/CPT Warmup repository.
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Dec. 10 Review Ticket by Alara Ipek #5

Open alaraipek opened 7 months ago

alaraipek commented 7 months ago

Video: Hexademical and Letter Game Video

Issues that helped: Issue for review by Andrew: https://github.com/tuckergol/binarylogicrepo/issues/2 Issue to update what work was still in order: https://github.com/tuckergol/binarylogicrepo/issues/3

Key commits: Redone Hexadecimal and Binary Teacing Game: Key Commit #1 Comments to Letter Game: Key Commit #2 Matching the style to the rest of the games: Key Commit #3 Instructions for Letter Game: [Key Commit #4] (https://github.com/tuckergol/binarylogicrepo/commit/05223ab423b2e13fc1d5fbf234620d3435a3b741)

Insight to Github analytics of work done by team: Analytics

Full code:

layout: default permalink: /letter title: Letter Game

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Binary to Letter Game

Binary to Letter Game

ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is a character encoding standard that assigns numeric codes to represent text characters.

In this game, you'll be presented with the binary representation of an ASCII code for an uppercase letter ('A' to 'Z'). The pattern for ASCII codes is as follows:

  • The ASCII code for 'A' is 65.
  • Subsequent uppercase letters follow in sequential order, with 'B' being 66, 'C' being 67, and so on.
  • Each ASCII character is represented by a 7-bit binary number.
  • The most significant bit (leftmost) is usually 0.

Your task is to understand this pattern and become familiar with how ASCII codes are represented in binary.

layout: default permalink: /hexadecimal title: Hexademical Game

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Binary and Hexadecimal Game

Learn the Binary and Hexadecimal Basics

Binary is a numerical system that uses only two digits: 0 and 1. Hexadecimal, on the other hand, uses digits 0-9 and A-F (or a-f) to represent values 0-15. In this game, you can learn and practice binary and hexadecimal conversions. Binary uses 2 as its base, while hexadecimal uses 16.

Binary and Hexadecimal Math Basics:

In decimal (our usual base-10 system), each digit represents a power of 10. Similarly:

  • 1 bit in binary represents 20 (1)
  • 1 digit in hexadecimal represents 160 (1)
  • 2 bits in binary represent 21 (2)
  • 2 digits in hexadecimal represent 161 (16)
  • 3 bits in binary represent 22 (4)
  • 3 digits in hexadecimal represent 162 (256)
  • 4 bits in binary represent 23 (8)
  • 4 digits in hexadecimal represent 163 (4096)
Gurbop commented 7 months ago

Individual Review "Gurshawn" grading "Alara" 0.8/0.9 Individual(0.9) Video in CPT caption style , includes Web demo of key contribution to project, 1 minute(0.8) the video showcases how the feature works and displays how it can be learned from. Issue(s) that show plans/progress to team objectives(0.8) Issue shows progress and additions made later on like adding the hexadecimal part after the review. Highlights of key commit(s) in Issues, summarizes code contributions(0.8) Has meaningful commits that contribute to the overall project and futures. Review GitHub analytics(0.8) Analytics show meaningful contributions. Retrospective(0.8) Retrospective shows thoughtful improvements that can be made. 4.9/6 = 0.817=0.82 Pros: Good game that teaches the user what binary and hexadecimal values are. Explains the way someone can calculate the values based on a decimal value and allows the user to check if they are right or wrong. Shows the relationships between hexadecimal, binary, and decimal values and how they are understood and used by a computer. Growth: Could improve on the SASS(styling/appearance) of the page and add a scoring system.