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CPT Mapping to College Board Requiremnets | Tucker’s Blog #17

Open utterances-bot opened 4 months ago

utterances-bot commented 4 months ago

CPT Mapping to College Board Requiremnets | Tucker’s Blog

Individual feature mapping to College Board CPT program requirements.


tuckergol commented 4 months ago

CPT Video Link

jm1021 commented 4 months ago

Regarding write up. Your ability to answer and talk about CPT question shows a ton of personal growth and accomplishments in CS. The hiccups you expressed are somewhat natural. The fact that you did individual way prior to adapting to final code solution is part of your style and personality; leverage is good but exploring/leverage is how you are becoming a top performer.

Issues/Concerns in code…

Hints. Do you mean to show hints in HTML and screen shot for input suggestions.

Localstorage. Theme change in local storage looks like it is before light/dark validation in backend. I would set localstorage after fetch to be sure page and data are in sync.

On backend algorithm I would show save code in user class, also show data in SQLite table.

BTW, the read code is identical to what I provided. This is my only concern, since you are in area where other students are working.

jm1021 commented 4 months ago

I watched your video 3 times. That might not be a good thing.

  1. You have good video make skills between: typing speed up, captions, and switch to database. These elements should stay.

  2. Progression, ending, and length/color of captions needs to improve for CPT.

Here are suggestions. A. I think your UI needs labels and hints. It is confusing to me. Particularly when you have bad data without label. B. Your captions need to be shorter: Theme Update, Admin Login, …. C. I suggest Title Page and Ending page. Since Ending page remains on screen it can have a recap of each caption. D. Data in database should not have unprofessional entries like Dummy Data. Watch for these little things. E. Background on theme change is not enforced, perhaps because image consumes screen. F. IMO, determining captions is key to great video. Designing captions to support CPT REQUIREMENTS is probably most prudent, with creativity of your personal features. G. BTW, I am thinking why not drop down or radio selection for theme as I am watching video.

jm1021 commented 4 months ago

Individually you will get 5/5 for your work. But, don’t confuse that with me thinking it is CPT ready.

LincolnC2008 commented 4 months ago

Video: Pros: I really like your use of arrows instead of mouse wiggle. I also like the fact that you showed your database in the video that showed the updates. The captions were good to help me see what was happening. The things you showed in the video all worked and fit the CPT requirements.

Cons: I think the dark and light mode is a good idea, but I would not have noticed the change with the arrow as the image of food is what takes up most of the background. While I liked the captions to help navigate me through the video, I would add captions or change the current ones to show how your feature shows the CPT requirements. This means talking about things like user input and output.

Blog: Pros: You answered talked a lot about how your project fits the CPT requirements and even went beyond them sometimes. For example, the requirements asked to show one of the following for user input, you showed more. You used the code in the right places and described it well.

Cons: While the code you showed was good, I think you could have shown more. For example, the SQlite table.

Overall, I think you did well, your blog is nearly flawless with the addition of some more pieces of code, However, the video would need some changes with regards to how CPT is graded. However, because your blog was overall really good, and you submitted really early. I would give you a 5/5.

jm1021 commented 4 months ago

Lincoln did a great evaluation on Tucker's work. Powerful words like "nearly flawless" means that Lincoln was impressed in the blog. But this is not just a shallow word, he talked about why and he helped with the "nearly": SQLite table. He could have be more specific on where he wanted "more pieces of code". Lincoln brought up a flaw in Tucker's video that I observed, the dark mode. Tucker got that from two people so he should strategize on change, even if it means code change. Lincoln was "nearly flawless" in evaluation, he could capture text or screen in the type of assessment.