tucnak / telebot

Telebot is a Telegram bot framework in Go.
MIT License
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Comprehensive Update: Implement Webhook Options, Payment Support, and Various Enhancements #702

Open pridclow68 opened 1 week ago

pridclow68 commented 1 week ago
  1. add UseWebhook and NoWebhook options to SendOptions
  2. update regex pattern for cbackRx in bot.go
  3. add OnForward constant to telebot.go and handle it in ProcessUpdate function
  4. handle unauthorized status code in extractOk function
  5. add support for payments in Telegram Stars RefundStarPayment and GetStarTransactions

Examples of how to use the newly added code: https://github.com/pridclow68/telebot/blob/v3_example/example/tgbot.go