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Basic template fails at `\faculty` control sequence when also calling `\maketitle` (was caused by missing `csquotes` package) #99

Closed Noxdor closed 4 months ago

Noxdor commented 4 months ago

I am working with the tudscr package and template for the first time and unfortunately I can not get it to work. I reduced the template now as far as I could and my current and hopefully only issue is that the \faculty control sequence is undefined. This error only appears when I call the \maketitle control sequence. This is my setup:


%% Daten zur Titelseite
\author{Dagobert Duck}
\faculty{Fakultät Verkehrswissenschaften \enquote{Friedrich List}}
\institute{Institut für Automobiltechnik Dresden}
\chair{Professur für Fahrzeugmechatronik}
\title{Strukturelle Optimierung der Betriebsstrategie eines Geldspeichers}
\professor{Prof. Dr.-Ing. B. Bäker}
\supervisor{E. Delstein}
\maketitle % if I comment this out, the run succeeds but obviously nothing is printed since I am assuming this call creates the actual title page.


Any idea if I might be missing a package or am using an outdated template?

Noxdor commented 4 months ago

When I comment out \faculty I am successfully generating a title page.

Noxdor commented 4 months ago

Alright, I figured it out. the issue is not \faculty but \enquote which depends on the csquotes package. Adding this package with \usepackage resolves the error. I was thrown off because the original template I used was a lot bigger than what I posted and something else was causing an error, which I understand now was the following code:


Commenting that out and leaving the rest of the template as is leads to a successful compilation.