tudace / tuda_latex_templates

LaTeX Templates for TU Darmstadt
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Final dot added to numeration when adding an appendix. #295

Closed anxin8r593t closed 3 years ago

anxin8r593t commented 3 years ago

I use the template TUDaThesis -- Abschlussarbeiten im CD der TU Darmstadt After adding the appendix code as follows, the number of all the chapters and figures changing from "2.1" to "2.1." \usepackage[toc,page]{appendix} \begin{appendices} \chapter{dhal} \section{mm} \end{appendices}

When not adding \chapter{dhal} , the numbering of chapters and figures is correct. But the generated format of the appendix is not correct ".1". I also tried \appendix, same issue.

TeXhackse commented 3 years ago

It does not destroy it.

\appendix even without the package will change the chapter number to alphanumeric.

So a \chapter after \appendix will be numbered A and the figures will be numberes A.1

If you don't add a chapter in the appendix this will change.

The appendix changes something about it, I may need to have a look at what part of it.

So what do you want to achieve?

Edit: using the default config of the tudathesis template this works fine even with the package:

%config of demo-tudathesis





So it looks like you added different adjustments, which cause this issue.

Because you mentioned it to be urgent: I can offer to have a look but would need more information on that problem.

anxin8r593t commented 3 years ago

Thank you for the answer in time. I tried in the original template without my own code. After add the appendix image

The number changes from "2.6" to "2.6."

TeXhackse commented 3 years ago

Oh sorry, I missunderstood. I thout it's about the numbers not the enddot.

That's a feature of KOMA-Script you can deactivate that one with changing the behaviour with numbers=noenddot. The automatism has typographic reasons, because usually if numbers consists of other elements than digits, one would add and enddot. Because an appendix adds letters to the numeration this is changed with numbers=auto which is the default setting for all KOMA-Script classes.

TeXhackse commented 3 years ago

If you want to level down the appendix without a chapter in advance this can be done as well but you would have to redefine the number format for the appendix. This is not recommended, because usually you use the same section levels as you do in the main matter of the document.

anxin8r593t commented 3 years ago

Perfect. It works after adding the numbers=noenddot. I will keep chapter. Thank you so much.