tudorelu / pyjuque

⚡ Open Source Algorithmic Trading Bot for Python.
MIT License
456 stars 90 forks source link

TypeError(“'<' not supported between instances of 'numpy.ndarray' and 'str'”) #15

Closed alir95202 closed 3 years ago

alir95202 commented 3 years ago

Hello, I tried to use the code. (Second strategy). but I keep getting this error and I just don't know where the problem is. That is the code:

import time

Imports for the strategy

import pandas_ta as ta

Importing these to be able to run this example

from the main pyjuque folder

from os.path import abspath, pardir, join import sys curr_path = abspath(file) root_path = abspath(join(curr_path, pardir, pardir)) sys.path.append(root_path)

Import for defining the bot

from pyjuque.Bot import defineBot

Import for defining the Strategy

from pyjuque.Strategies import StrategyTemplate

Defines the strategy

class BBRSIStrategy(StrategyTemplate): """ Bollinger Bands x RSI """ def init(self, rsi_len = 8, bb_len = 100, rsi_ob = 50, rsi_os = 50): self.rsi_ob = rsi_ob self.rsi_os = rsi_os self.bb_len = bb_len self.rsi_len = rsi_len

    # the minimum number of candles needed to compute our indicators
    self.minimum_period = max(100, bb_len, rsi_len)

# the bot will call this function with the latest data from the exchange 
# passed through df; this function computes all the indicators needed
# for the signal
def setUp(self, df):
    df['rsi'] = ta.rsi(df['close'], self.rsi_len)
    df['lbb'], df['mbb'], df['ubb'], df['bb_width'] = ta.bbands(df['close'], self.bb_len)
    self.dataframe = df

# the bot will call this function with the latest data and if this 
# returns true, our bot will place an order
def checkLongSignal(self, i = None):
    """ if the rsi had a sudden increase this candle or the previous one, 
    and one of the previous three values of the rsi was under the oversold 
    level, and the price just crossed over the lower bollinger band, buy"""
    df = self.dataframe
    if i == None:
        i = len(df) - 1
    if i < 3:
        return False
    if (df["rsi"][i] / df["rsi"][i-1] > 1.2) and \
        (df["rsi"][i-1] < self.rsi_os \
            or df["rsi"][i-2] < self.rsi_os \
            or df["rsi"][i-3] < self.rsi_os):
        if ((df["open"][i] < df["lbb"][i] < df["close"][i]) and \
            (df["open"][i-1] < df["lbb"][i-1] and df["close"][i-1] < df["lbb"][i-1])):
            return True
    if (df["rsi"][i-1] / df["rsi"][i-2] > 1.2) and \
        (df["rsi"][i-1] < self.rsi_os \
            or df["rsi"][i-2] < self.rsi_os \
            or df["rsi"][i-3] < self.rsi_os):
        if (df["close"][i-3] < df["lbb"][i-3] and df["close"][i-2] < df["lbb"][i-2] \
            and df["close"][i-1] > df["lbb"][i-1] and df["close"][i] > df["lbb"][i]):
            return True
    return False

# we don't exit on signal, only on take profit pr stop loss level reached
def checkShortSignal(self, i = None):
    return False

Defines the overall configuration of the bot

bot_config = {

Name of the bot, as stored in the database

'name' : 'my_bot',

# exchange information (fill with your api key and secret)
'exchange' : {
    'name' : 'binance',
    'params' : {
        'api_key': '...',
        'secret' : '...'

# symbols to trade on
'symbols' : ['LINK/BTC', 'ETH/BTC'],

# starting balance for bot
'starting_balance' : 0.0005,

# strategy class / function (here we define the entry and exit strategies.)
# this bot places an entry order when the 'checkLongSignal' function of 
# the strategy below retruns true
'strategy': {
    'class': BBRSIStrategy,
    'params': {
        'rsi_len' : 8, 
        'bb_len' : 100, 
        'rsi_ob' : 50, 
        'rsi_os' : 50

# when the bot receives the buy signal, the order is placed according 
# to the settings specified below
'entry_settings' : {

    # between 0 and 100, the % of the starting_balance to put in an order
    'initial_entry_allocation': 100,

    # number between 0 and 100 - 1% means that when we get a buy signal, 
    # we place buy order 1% below current price. if 0, we place a market 
    # order immediately upon receiving signal
    'signal_distance': 0.3

# This bot exits when our filled orders have reached a take_profit % above 
# the buy price, or a stop_loss_value % below it
'exit_settings' : {

    # take profit value between 0 and infinity, 3% means we place our sell 
    # orders 3% above the prices that our buy orders filled at
    'take_profit' : 3,

    # stop loss value in percent - 10% means stop loss at 10% below our 
    # buy order's filled price
    'stop_loss_value': 10

# will the bot display its status / current performing action in the terminal
'display_status' : True


Runs the bot in an infinite loop, stoppable from the terminal with CTRL + C

def Main(): bot_controller = defineBot(bot_config) while True: try: bot_controller.executeBot() except KeyboardInterrupt: return


if name == 'main': Main()

tudorelu commented 3 years ago

Hey man, thanks for using pyjuque!

Please format your code properly next time, by placing it within 3 single quotes followed by py or js, depending on the language

# it will look like this 
x = 1 + 4

The complete error message should show the line where the problem is, without seeing that I think the problem is at the lines that have three elements compared by a ‘<‘ sign


df["open"][i] < df["lbb"][i] < df["close"][i]

Should be

df["open"][i] < df["lbb"][i] and df["lbb"][i] < df["close"][i]

alir95202 commented 3 years ago

Hello Tudor, thanks for the answer but that doesn't work and the error is shown like this for example: INFO:pyjuque.Engine.BotController:Error computing indicators for FLM/USDT: (<class 'TypeError'>, TypeError("'<' not supported between instances of 'numpy.ndarray' and 'str'"), <traceback object at 0x000001AED60E0D00>) INFO:pyjuque.Engine.BotController:Error computing indicators for DODO/USDT: (<class 'TypeError'>, TypeError("'<' not supported between instances of 'numpy.ndarray' and 'str'"), <traceback object at 0x000001AED6BA0080>)