New features that could be used by us now:
hsrb_gripper_controller: new feature: IsActive
tmc_control_msgs/GripperApplyEffortGoal: new feature: do_control_stop
tmc_planning_msgs/GenerateRobotTrajectoriesGoal: new feature: ignore_joints
tmc_imu_diag_updater: update in launch file, new args and new verifier
tmc_mic_array_controller: lets see what is in there
No changes required.
New features that could be used by us now: hsrb_gripper_controller: new feature: IsActive tmc_control_msgs/GripperApplyEffortGoal: new feature: do_control_stop tmc_planning_msgs/GenerateRobotTrajectoriesGoal: new feature: ignore_joints
Robot: tmc_imu_diag_updater: update in launch file, new args and new verifier tmc_mic_array_controller: lets see what is in there