I am getting an error after the latest update in April
[ERROR] [1621244522.215041341]: While parsing '/home/aito-dm/catkin_ws/src/wire/wire_core/models/world_object_models.xml':
Could not find attribute 'value' of element 'prior_new'
Could not find attribute 'value' of element 'prior_existing'
Could not find attribute 'value' of element 'prior_clutter'
In class description for 'object': Could not find attribute 'dimensions' of element 'pnew'
In class description for 'object': Could not find attribute 'domain_size' of element 'pnew'
In class description for 'object': Could not find attribute 'domain_size' of element 'pnew'
In class description for 'object': Could not find attribute 'domain_size' of element 'pnew'
[wire_server-2] process has died [pid 14235, exit code -11, cmd /home/aito-dm/catkin_ws/devel/lib/wire_core/wire_server __name:=wire_server __log:=/root/.ros/log/21772a22-b6f4-11eb-a603-6c6a77dd951e/wire_server-2.log].
I am getting an error after the latest update in April