tuenhidiy / m5paper-weatherstation

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Update code for arduinojson 6 #3

Open AndreyVys opened 3 years ago

AndreyVys commented 3 years ago

Function MakehttpRequest

if (httpCode == 200)  // Checking the returning code
       String payload = http.getString();   // Getting the request response payload
       StaticJsonDocument<1024> doc;
       // Parse JSON object
       DeserializationError error = deserializeJson(doc, payload);
       if (error)

         JsonObject main = doc["main"];
         temp =        (float)main["temp"]-273.15;                      // Get temperature in °C
         humidity =    (uint_fast8_t)main["humidity"];                     // Get humidity in %
         pressure =    (uint_fast8_t)main["pressure"];            // Get pressure in bar
         visibility =  (float)doc["visibility"];         // Get visibility in m
         weatherCity = (const char*)doc["name"];

         JsonObject wind = doc["wind"];
         wind_speed =  (float)wind["speed"];                    // Get wind speed in m/s
         wind_degree = (float)wind["deg"];                     // Get wind degree in °

         JsonObject weather = doc["weather"][0];
         weatherDesc = (const char*)weather["description"];  
         weatherIcon = (const char*)weather["icon"];

         JsonObject sys = doc["sys"];
         sunrise = (time_t)sys["sunrise"];
         sunset = (time_t)sys["sunset"];
         weatherCountry = (const char*)sys["country"];
fermintm commented 3 years ago

Forgiveness. Right now I can't check anything. I had a traffic accident