tugberkugurlu / AspNet.Identity.RavenDB

Fully asynchronous, new and sweet ASP.NET Identity implementation for RavenDB
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UserManger.FindID throws an cast exception #42

Open p10tyr opened 9 years ago

p10tyr commented 9 years ago

I have been trying to get a user by their ID, using UserManager, which is an email address. For the sake of example peter@mail.com

I also have a Model.Person , which I store in the same database as the RavenUsers, and the Key is also the same email.

When I create the user I use this code

var user = new Models.ApplicationUser(userName); (UserName is the Email)

I have now eventually got got this working by using

var user2 = UserManager.FindByName("peter@mail.com");

The problem is when I use this

var user3 = UserManager.FindById("peter@mail.com");

I get an exception

Unable to cast object of type 'Models.Person' to type 'Models.ApplicationUser'.

I have been trying to work out what the problem is about 2 days now, on and off, but it seems when I use the FinByID, RavenDB, or Identidy.Raven DB for some reason actually matches up with the Person Key in the database. I couldn't understand why I was getting this exception the whole time since I am just calling a method and not trying to cast any thing.

When I use

var user3 = UserManager.FindByEmail("peter@mail.com");

It reutrns NULL, even though in the database under ApplciationUsers, the Email is the same as UserName and the same as the Key.

Is this a Identity.RavenDB problem?

p10tyr commented 9 years ago

I think I know why its getting the Person entity instead of ApplicationUser.

The entity that was returned useing FindByName, its ID is RavenUsers/peter@mail.com

I am a newb with RavenDB but I don't understand why the FindByID would get a result from the Persons table and then try and cast it to ApplicationUser?