tukkek / infojack

Free browser-based cyberpunk roguelike based on OGL Cybernet rules
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Cyberware #33

Open tukkek opened 7 years ago

tukkek commented 7 years ago

Limbs (these don't really apply to the web #34 )

Punching arm Kicking legs Roller feet


Manipulator (install 18, purchase 17, -3d4 self) +1 to craft rolls, +2 with feat #8, only basic grade Cyborg gun Cyborg weapon

tukkek commented 7 years ago

Body mods

Nanobox (install 19, purchase 20, self -1d4): revives a character up to -7 , with 70% chance of breaking down, each grade gives -1 (up to -10) and +10% chance of breaking (max 100%) Wings (install 20, purchase 24, self -2d6, only maximum grade): lets you move to other cities Blood gate (install 20, purchase 14, self -d13): +2 to poison and disease resistance, +1 per grade. Neural booster (install 24, purchase 18, self -2d6): adds +1 to intelligence score per grade Will barrier (install 23, purchase 18, self -1d8):+2 to Will, +2 to wisdom per extra grade.

Redundant biology Armor Pursuit body Stealh body #35 Integral targeting Muscular grafting Nanowire Reflex enhancement Skinweaving Vocoder #35

tukkek commented 7 years ago


2 Skillslot rig (install 15, purchase 14, self -1d6) 4 Skillslot rig (install 16, purchase 16, self -1d6) requires Intelligence +2 6 Skillslot rig (install 17, purchase 18, self -1d6) requires Intelligence +4 Biowire (): allows you to install physical skill (probably useless) and feat chips Skill chip (install 0, purchase DC14, self -0): grant +2 to an untrained skill, +1 per rank Feat chip (install 0, purchase DC14, self -0): grants a feat

tukkek commented 7 years ago

Grades are: gamme (basic), delta, beta and alpha.

Cyberware#grade=1 // up to 4
String Cyberware#validate()
tukkek commented 7 years ago

Searching for 1 cyberware takes 1d4 hours #21, taking a Gather Information roll to determine the DC of what shows up..

Purchase DCs are +2 per each rank above gamma.

Self damage will permanently reduce your Charisma once it reaches a certain threshold. If self ever reaches 0 the game is lost.

tukkek commented 7 years ago

Surgery and recovery times are a total of Install DC in hours.

The Purchase DC covers the installation costs. They are only listed in case the character builds one himself. In that case, the surgery Wealth DC is the Install DC + 5.

tukkek commented 7 years ago

Each extra grade is +2 to purchase DC and +2 to install DC.

tukkek commented 7 years ago