tukkek / javelin

Party-based roguelike (open-source strategy-RPG game).
65 stars 7 forks source link

Wishes #181

Open tukkek opened 6 years ago

tukkek commented 6 years ago

Now that Haxor is gone, some of the Wishes need some love. BorrowMoney and Materialize were removed but could be reintegrated as "Wish gold" (generate gold(cr=rubies)) and Materialize (any labor with labot cost<=rubies).

Some of the existing wishes also don't fit much in the game anymore or could be readjusted (ressurect last could take CR into account; summon could just add a random ally of given `cr == rubies'...).

New wishes are also always welcome but those are better done through gameplay. A simple "restore" that works as a Fountain for a single character would be pretty cool though.

tukkek commented 6 years ago

Have a "Settle town" wish, with cost=Towns#gettowns()#size+1. Randomly assign the new town a Realm that isn't being used by any other town - if all are used already, pick a random one.

tukkek commented 6 years ago

Show destination: used on world map, reveals nearest Location. 1 ruby.

Reveal map: reveals dungeon map and all features. 4 rubies.

tukkek commented 6 years ago

Teleport (equal to spell, rubies = level)